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  1. Greetings, I wondered if I could get some advice on video surveillance for our condo community. We've been having issues with residents actually using their cars to push our front and back gates open with their cars (at considerable repair expense)--if you can believe it. We've also had many break-ins. So...I'm helping the board members research the possibility of installing video cameras by those gates. Unfortunately, light and power are going to be the limiting factors. I guess my questions boil down to these: 1. How do I assess whether we have enough light to even consider a camera? 2. How are most remote/outside cameras powered? 3. Do they record onto their own hard drive or is the data sent wirelessly to a computer/etc.? 4. What price range are we looking at? Sorry for the dumb questions. Any websites or keywords you can direct me to start my research and investigation into this would be greatly appreciated!