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island time

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Everything posted by island time

  1. Thieves have stolen everything I leave on my small island, so I don't leave much and I'm interested in a camera system that I can view from my home pc or mobile phone. I've placed a 25 ft pole about 60 ft from the cabin and have two wireless cameras, solar panel (80 W) charge controller and deep cycle battery on the pole. We tried a "JetPack" wireless hotspot by Verison but couldn't get out of the LAN. Tried an air card also but we couldn't get that to work also. My question is , is there a way to transmit still photo's or small video clip when the motion detector trips to my home pc or smart phone. There is a verison tower within eye sight ( 3 miles) and we do get 4 bars on the hot spot and phones. Any help and maybe I can catch these thieves.
  2. The camera's are on a 25 ft pole and they haven't been messed with yet. Were totally on solar power and can and probably will add more panels and batteries as the need arise so there is no cable or power from the mainland. Small video clips are ok as are still photo's. The cameras work fine at home on our LAN, but the rub is not being able to transmit through the wifi hot spot or air card. What devices are capable of sending this data in a way that we can use it.