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Posts posted by ohlalayeah

  1. Modified the heavily chinese Player SDK from Dahua so that only the AVI Convert window opens. Its a self-executable file containing the dependency files in the path so should just run from anywhere.


    Should work with most Dahua DVRs that export their video to .DAV files. This includes but is not limited to Intellicam, XTSVideo, certain models from Mace, Q-See, and others. All original files are copyright Dahua Security.


    Download it here:



    Let me know if either it works for you or it doesnt so I can try to fix any errors.

    Im actually making an automated conversion to AVI based on this for my remote video program (record feature) so figured I would upload this anyway as thought it might be useful to someone else.


    Contact me if you want the modified source code. There is also a link on that page for how to use this in other programs without having to modify the C++ source yourself. BTW I know nothing about C++ just enough to change the basic things needed for this.



    where can I download it?
