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  1. kshaly

    Surveillance DVR recording quality Q

    Thank you both HDSecurityStore and shockwave199. You have both given me the answers i was looking for. Will try and improve my system as $$ permits. Thanks again
  2. kshaly

    Surveillance DVR recording quality Q

    Greetings, just came across this forum and joined for a similar reason as the original poster. I'm assuming i will get a similar answer, but i have an 8 Channel mediocre dvr i got off ebay. All and all i'm pretty happy with it, no major problems. I can only currently set 2 channels at D1 resolution, and the other 6 at CIF. Now i'm not so concerned about the recording quality, just internet viewing. When i view over the internet or smart phone Channels 1 & 2 are absolutely stunningly perfect. The other 6 are only so-so. Ive done the same by buying a better camera or 2 but no improvement. I am assuming that is the best i will get with the DVR, and since i am not so interested in a $500 dvr at this point do i have any other options? Iv'e looked everywhere on the net and i really can't find anything equating the "recording resolution" with the resolution you get when viewing over the internet. Are these identical issues? Are 8 channels at D1 using too much bandwidth to stream? Is a "FULL D1" dvr my only option if my main goal is to just view all channels at higher resolution? Thanks for any answers, Kevin