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Everything posted by gokatgo

  1. gokatgo

    I need help!

    Hi there! I joined your group to get information on a DVR. I figure there might be guys and gals trolling this site that just might want to help! Here is the background...I work for a subpoena company, and we subpoenaed a sheriff's department for information from a DVR unit. The sheriff's department doesn't know how to retrieve the info off the DVR, and we don't have any sort of person in my company that would know how to do that. So, basically, we need to get a copy of what is ON the DVR and we need to know how we would do that. It's a CP Cam. I don't have a model number or anything. I don't have the unit in front of me. I'm an idiot when it comes to this stuff; so I need DVR for Dummies, OK? Any info will help. I need step by step instructions on how to do this...if it's even possible to do it. Thanks!