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  1. davemguru

    Help identify 16Ch DVR please!!

    can you help me with my password on my DVR H.264 8CH Model 8108V thanks simon Simon - did u look at the website I said? coz they have an MHK8108 listed. So, why not try the SuperUser password thing? BTW - This week I aquired a spare machine with the same open telnet port. So, I am gonna point baktrak at it and leave it for as many days as it takes. (I doubt it will take weeks) David
  2. davemguru

    Help identify 16Ch DVR please!!

    This Bulletin board has been very useful to me - so, I decided to join today and (hopefully) help you. I have an 8Ch VERY SIMILAR to what you have described and no matter what I did I could not find any info for it. I bought it from an Ebay supplier who is actually in china but with a "post restante" in UK to make people think they are buying locally (sigh). Anyhow - eventually I tracked down http://en.mhkdvr.com/products.aspx?TypeId=16. By comparing the photos and manuals and other items I was able to SOLVE LOST ADMIN PASSWORD problem. My system wouldn't reset if I detached the battery (or other "short super cap" tricks). BUT - the website has a program "Service & Support--Support--Download" on the SECOND PAGE called "SuperPassword.rar". If one downloads and decompresses - you get 2 files - a text file and SuperPassword.exe. It's in Chinese. But, basically - it is a program to create a password for the special/hidden admin user - so that you can GET BACK IN. You need to know the Date and Hour that your system thinks it is. Also - you can only do this LOCAL to the machine - you can't do it via the network. If you are like me and suspicious of any new program - then do as I did and run the program inside a virtual machine/sandbox. But, for what my assurances may be worth - it had no virus inside. run the program and you are presented with a fairly simple form You feed in date/time that the machine thinks it is e.g today is 20 june 2012 about 11:30pm.... so type 2012062011 and click the left button (the right button is exit/finish. The program then gives you back a 6 character password which WILL WORK for user name "admin" (coz you can't delete user name admin) you get a message telling you that users are defaulted (or words to that effect) and you are in!!!! It resets admin password back to the default (in my version of firmware it is now NULL) and resets/creates the default users. It leaves all other settings untouched. By the way - this machine has an open telnet (port 23) and a user login name of "root" - for which I don't know the password and the wholesaler hasn't told me (yet). I don't like security holes like telnet - but, I have the machine firewalled so....... I intend to discover as much as possible about this device - and unless someone forbids it - I will post my discoveries in this forum. I do hope this has been some help. If not to you - then maybe someone else who purchased an DVR H.264 8CH Model 8408AV from jx_itstore or 3kuk or cctvdigi David