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Everything posted by DrBob

  1. Don't know much about this area, but here is my problem. I have an application where I would like to see items of ~1/4" on a field of view of 3' at a distance of ~12'. I calculated that this would require a lens of ~20mm and a PPF of 200-400. I would like to have a megapixel IP addressable camera that either comes with a 20mm lens (or is in a variable range) or allows for an interchangable lenses. Not stuck on camera style, but if a dome, would need to be able to invert camera so that it could be mounted upside down on a tripod (dome up vs down). PTZ would be great, but not required. Think being able to count the number of lady bugs on a 3' x 3' sheet of paper from 12' (not the real application, but comparable resolution). Monitoring will be done wirelessly via an iPad or laptop with no internet connection, so no cloud stuff). If any of the more knowledgeable folks here (that should be most) have any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated. Most of what I can find online are to long range for my needs (3mm lens). Thanks.