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Everything posted by Kawboy12R

  1. Gotcha. Thx. I've had rubber grommets suggested to me as well. Conduit would fit the vandal-proof nature quite a bit better though.
  2. Kawboy12R

    Mounting: Discreet or Deter?

    Personally, I'd prefer watching someone case my house and then walk away than try to deal with an insurance company and give a mediocre video to them and the police. I bet most crackheads won't care if they see a camera after they're already on your property though. Heck, most of the people that come to my house don't seem to even see the IR bullet camera mounted by my front door, even those that come at night when the IR is visible. I'm thinking that even a big sign by the end of your driveway saying "Property under video surveillance" doesn't have near a 100% chance of scaring thieves off, but it's better than depending on them noticing and being deterred by a bullet camera after they're close enough to look in your windows and see your flatscreen and laptop.
  3. We had an employee who would empty the excess money in the till periodically, stick the money in an envelope, use the washroom, and THEN give the envelope to the supervisor. She was occasionally seen adjusting her bra as she left the washroom with the money envelope. Grounds to consider putting a camera in the employee washroom?
  4. My BNC cams produce much better usable quality than my DVR playback does. I'm fairly happy with what they show me on the monitor but if I depend on recorded footage then the quality is nasty. Conclusion? DVR is the weakest link. I was going to order another few cameras but now I think I'll hold off until I figure out a way to give me decent recorded footage. Then I'll worry about upping camera quality, but that is on the list, too, along with tweaking zoom levels.
  5. Just wondering if anybody has done a bunch of comparisons of the RECORDED picture quality of home DVR systems? I just got a Lorex system that has some pretty good cameras but the picture quality drops quite a bit when viewing the recorded footage compared to the live camera view. I've got it set for D1 resolution (the highest) and "best" image quality but the image still suffers from way too much compression loss for my tastes. You can tell things like TV lines of resolution in camera, recording resolution (D1, HD1, CIF, etc) of the DVR, but there's no way to compare video quality loss after compression by reading spec sheets. Anybody know of a system where the recorded video quality is more or less identical to the LIVE video quality from the cameras? Doesn't HAVE to be a DVR box- a computer card could work as well.