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Everything posted by HomePlaneR

  1. Hello. I need to find a PTZ IP camera that can stream its PTZ position continuously. I mean the following: I don't want to make HTTP-request each time in order to get the position, but I want to have it arriving all the time with video frames, per example by RTP stream of meta-data (as it proposed by ONVIF) or directly inside of video stream. The best way is such that ONVIF propose, but unfortunately ONVIF doesn't oblige PTZ cameras to transmit the position in that way. Can you name me some models of PTZ IP cameras that are capable to do that? Or is there a standardized way to know for a given camera if it supports this feature or not? I tried to ask directly technical supports of several manufacturers about their models. I was surprised to know that some models of AXIS cameras had this feature but in new firmware versions it is blocked. Is it true? I'm quite happy to find your forum in the hope that I can find the answers here. Thank you in advance.
  2. We develop some soft for video surveillance. To implement some features we need to know PTZ position. Usually PTZ position could be obtained by HTTP request, but we are searching for another way (if it exists) to do that and not to charge the network by the permanent requests.
  3. That is exactly what I need. Thanks to everyone for the participation. Can you give me some info about the subject? At least can I be sure that this feature is not really so common in practice?