back again hope you can help me after a long period of trying too view my cameras over LAN/WAN connection I finally succeeded but unfortunately today no such luck.
I entered my original external IP address but did not work, I looked at my account with KGUARD and realised that the IP had changed. Therefore I typed in the new IP address but unfortunately this does not work either.
I have tried on two computers to log in page which I could before
I have been on the demo of kguard cameras and I can log in and see your cameras perfectly. But I cannot now get your log in page.
I hope you can help
Hi Everyone
I am new to the forum and hope that someone could help me.
I have purchase a Kguard SHA108.v2 CCTV system. To date I have managed to set up so I can view online at home with my laptop and i-phone. Whilst out the other day I tried the i-phone and with great joy I could see the cameras. So my question is which I am really stuck on how does one connect to Kguards log in page on my laptop whilst out as I have set up my username and password which does work because the details are in the i-phone.
When using IE 7 on my laptop do you type in your domain name because when I do this it says cannot display the web page or is there something else you have to type in?
Hoping someone can advise me as I feel so close to finishing.
Thank you for your reply, just cannot figure out whats going on. I have typed in as you suggested http without the www but unfortunately no matter what I type in I/E cannot display the webpage.
Could you tell me if I type in the correct http and ip address am I then directed to a webpage where I can log in via kguard to my cctv system?
I have tried to view the cameras over both LAN and WAN but with no joy.
As previously mentioned with the software installed on the computer and iphone I can view the cctv both WAN and LAN.
Hope I have explained myself ok
Hoping you can help