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Everything posted by Eugene71

  1. This must be another branding nightmare. So, I have got "Qvis Zeus HD LX 4 Channel" aka "Qvis LXZEUSHD-4" aka "Qvis Apollo" aka "Qvis Atlantis Discovery". This unit has a TCP (aka "Media") port 34567 and the Mobile Monitor port of 34599. I then downloaded and tried various versions of Dahua PSS (4.03, 4.04, 4.06). My PC is running Windows 7 32-bit and is on the same LAN as the DVR so no port forwarding is involved. Adding my DVR and trying to log in produces the "login failed (timeout)" error. Should I change the port number, the error changes to "host not found", so it looks like PSS is talking to the right port, but fails for some reason. I tried turning Windows firewall off to no avail. Remote access via http works fine. Now, the mobile android app works fine using the 34599 port and the same user name as I tried for PSS. It is worth mentioning though that the dealer (securitycameraagent) points to "Apollo Client" app for Apollo and Zeus DVR, I purchased this app and it does NOT work with this DVR! I then googled further and found that there is a different "Discovery Client" mobile app, I purchased it too, and that one works. This suggests the underlying protocol is different between these models, and the same likely applies to PSS and that's why the one from Dahua does not work... So... is there is specific branded PSS which would work with my DVR or am I out of luck? Thanks!
  2. Well, for what it is worth, on securitycameraagent.com it is listed under Standalone DVRs -> Apollo DVRs, and the flyer for it has the same picture as the unit I have got, the flyer title though is ZEUS HD LX (securitycameraagent.com/files/LXZEUSHD-qvis.pdf) while the unit package box says Discovery Atlantis. Function-wise the unit seems to match the flyer, price-wise for $300+ it is not exactly budget... So I don't know. I asked their tech support the same question, let's see what comes out of it.