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  1. Look, you sound a bit unexperient on the subject. I apologise, dont want to be rude. you are being nosy, what do you want to achieve? a good signal. 1- verify if the radio shak stuf you have are paired eachother meaning that if they are meant to work as a pair. 2- environment, most times users opt to spot an area to spy then recieving the signal is a second thing. then you find out that you cannot recieve the good signal necessary and you blame the reciever not necessary the case. 3- Use proper tools to test your signal, what is it ? 2.4ghz or 2.1ghz? 4 -if you dont have those tools, then move to a diferent environment, Clear openspace room, flat outside field, not to close either. wireless systems dont like to be to close 5- if the kit doesnt have any manual frequency adjustments then i think you are screwed. in that case retun the kit and never think that you buy good stuf cheep. I could carry on but in your shoes, time is money, even if your not doing it for the money, but hein! thing theres other things you can be doing... Best of luck
  2. Lets share it. I would like to start this with a bit of the past, I would welcome anyone to share a bit of knowledge and feel free, anything Being in the industry for only 10 years, I’m not that old, only 35. I have touched and troubleshoot (Tube CCTV cameras). For those who don’t know what they are... imagine a TV screen that works the other way round, instead of projecting a picture they capture the picture. Yes with CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) like TV. And they used to be very expensive, very heavy and very big. Major problem even on the reliable ones, picture used to get burnt on the reflector which you couldn’t see the reflector because they were placed at the beginning of the tube but you would see the picture burnt like a negative and there was nothing you could do about them, we found one in the N.. MOD archives in the basement back in 2001 in a massive bomb proof dennard PTZ head, me and other engineer decided to have ago, after some problem in finding a reliable 24AC(this one might have been the latest of the kind) we whacked it to the test monitor and voi-la' picture with few milliseconds delay due to shutter speeds? Maybe im not sure. I was so impressed with the size of it that I had doubt about fitting though the boot of my estate car and take it home. Which I should have done so but had some doubts about what my wife would say if I brought junk home so I decided to leave it behind, further attempts to retrieve it where denied by the security after that. But that's all gone, thanks god. CCd just came and bly-me, bloody small. Better and easier to work with. All our motivation to install a brand new tech at site was a big thing for us, used the very basic tools and do a neat job. Sparking. RS232 and RS485, well i used to know more about switching multiphase then data!!! Computers!!! Don’t know. At that time for me was easier to understand a pure physical connection between two points, not data. Hear this: if you what to move a camera up you use two wire-and+ to a servo, the if you want to move down you invert this wire (obviously you need a speed control that could be achieved with some resistive circuit and some gears, yes?) do you know what I mean? Data? Data= RS232, RS485, optical Fibre, baxall, coax telemetry are just way of achieving what u what which is getting the data across from the control point to the receiving device. Systems could develop further once we got some of the data transmission systems doing a god job, and, now its just one better development after another. A better and faster transmission system leads to develop a system that exchanges and processes information faster will also lead to develop transmission system to be even faster... am I going to fast? end of part one please post your thoughts