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  1. Hi I'll try and keep this short. We have just recently had a new NVR system installed and I'd like to see if it's possible to We have a dedicated T1 line coming into the office. This is fed to a switch. This switch is then fed to the main office router WAN port with has a static external IP address. From the router a cable goes from one of the LAN ports on the back to a switch. All of the office is run off of this router which handles the DHCP using a 2.xx network. The NVR was installed as a separate network, using a separate router. Basically same setup as above, a feed from the internet T1 switch to the WAN port. From there a cable goes from one of the LAN ports to a POE switch and from there all the IP cameras and the NVR are plugged in. The addresses for this network are handled via DHCP from this second switch on a 3.xx network and this router has a separate external static IP address. So far that's fine everything is running fine, office chugs along on it's 2.xx network and CCTV on it's 3.xx network. I can access the NVR from an office computer by typing in the static IP of the NVR router (port forwarding has been set up) and log in that way to view cameras. My concern is that to access the NVR I'm basically typing in an external static IP address, so really going out and then coming back in. Is there a way that I can access the NVR on the 3.xx network from my office 2.xx network if I simply connect the two switches or is that asking for trouble?
  2. The other system that has come up for discussion besides the Exacq is the NUUO NVR and the Vivotek FE8171V cams instead of the Arecont cams. I suppose what I'm asking before pursuing this second option any further is how does the NUUO hardware/software compare to the Exacq in terms of performance and ease of use? I've watched the demos of the Vivotek cams and looks impressive as far as what it can do but between a fisheye Vivotek and the 360 Arecont which one is going to give me better coverage and detail?
  3. Looking for recommendation for a new NVR system for using in a commercial environment. We currently have a 32 camera analog system and would like to add a few IP cams as well as some megapixel cams. One product I have looked at is the ExacqVision hybrid NVR with 4TB. Reason being is to transfer over 16 of our analog cameras off of the older system and the ability to purchase and utilize IP cameras. I'm just wondering if anyone has used this hybrid NVR and can comment on performance etc when using all 16 analog channels plus the addition of two Arecont AV8365DN cameras, 1 AV8185, a Sony PTZ and a Sony IP dome. I realize this is specific but was hoping I'd get some feedback on any of this equipment and how well it would work together. Also if I understand correctly the Arecont cameras would only need one IP licence from Exacq even though it's technically a 4 camera system? Is this correct?