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  1. Thanks for the tips. I ended up using a 36" masonary bit at an angle to get me directly inside. Then mounted the camera directly on the brick with tapcons. Looks great! I will post some pics on Monday of the finished product. Again, thanks for the ideas. I guess sometimes you just need a longer bit.
  2. I'm trying to mount 18 axis 3314e exterior cameras on a block column. I want a clean and funtional installation, but I'm having some issues. I have attached some photos. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I couldn't get the picture to attach so I've linked it below. Any ideas how I could clean it up some? I don't really like the way the seal-tite is laying. My boss said something about mounting it on some jr. stut. I think that would look even worse. He also suggested EMT conduit, but again I think it would worse. I'm betting one of you professionals could probably take one look at this and tell me how you would make it look slick.