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Everything posted by fred42

  1. fred42

    Dahua 24 CH Real-Time D1 DVR

    just found this: http://www.affordablehomeelectronics.com/dahuadh-dvr2404hf-s24channeld1hfsseries2ustandalonedvr.aspx
  2. fred42

    Dahua 24 CH Real-Time D1 DVR

    I'm new here and definitely no expert, but the sticky post at the top of this forum, Where to find Dahua DVR's and Cameras, has some retailers. I am looking for a smaller 4 or 8 unit, I contacted http://www.securitycameraking.com/ from that list, no 24s but they do have 16 and 32s. They offered excellent configuration support. I have not purchased yet. This whole Dahua thing is confusing by design I think. Rebadging in the US and multiple configurations to help dealers market. Normally this would be a red flag and I would run, but everyone loves them apparently. Security Camera King said they make them here from Dahua parts from China? They are in Florida.
  3. Hi, new here, lots of good information. I have not bought anything yet, I am in the early stages of designing a home video security system and can't seem to find information on a very basic concept. That is affordable offsite backup hosting of the captured images. Here is what I got so far: Right now I have a standalone VHS based Piczel 5045 1 camera wired system that needs to be totally replaced. 1. I would have a 500GB DVR 4 camera system 2. I have Time Warner Cable high speed internet, connected to my Linksys router. I can upgrade to turbo for $10 a month if necessary. I understand how to hook all this up and get remote internet viewing of the current and stored images on the DVR. My concern is that the DVR device can be stolen. I do not want to use one of the costly turnkey security hosting services. I simply want a hosting site that will let my DVR feed files to it and then let me access the files. With all the low cost file hosting services out there, is there one that would work for home security? Do the DVR based systems have the capability to periodically feed captured files to a host? Are there apps that could receive these stored files and allow intelligent viewing? Besides offsite backup, this would let all remote viewing be done from the backup host. You could add a small amount of security by configuring the Router/DVR to only be out going. thanks very much, fred
  4. fred42

    Affordable offsite backup hosting

    That's a good idea about the DVR FTP feature. Is that what is meant by the phrase "Remote Network Backup"? I suppose I would use motion detection to produce smaller files and they would be uploaded as completed? As for the server. I want it to be offsite, so I was considering godaddy.com storage products at about $2.49 a month for 100gb. Unfortunately, they do not offer a "keep only the newest 100GB" option and it would fill up and start rejecting files. http://www.godaddy.com/email/online-storage.aspx?isc=bsdo2nfwa&ci=55861 Maybe I need to dial back on this remote backup thing and be happy with a onsite well hidden USB backup drive. The DVR is hidden pretty well too, but if they found it they would probably just yank all the cables out and take it, not knowing a USB backup drive was hidden elsewhere. Not sure if they do this, but I would want the DVR to start reusing older file space on the USB backup drive when it fills up just like it does on it's onboard disk drive.