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  1. Two part question, please feel free to advice on either one. I just insalled an ARM OCD36XSDWD camera. It is mounted about 14-15 feet off ground. First questoin, I was zooming in on a face about 50-75 feet away. at 20x basical the whole head was in the shot which is great. But when I zoomed to 36x it made a little difference but didnt seem to move very much more in, you could still see the whole face. Same thing just on other general areas, there are some dramatic zooms up to 20-24 maybe, but after that up to 36x doesnt seem to do much (you can see it is working zoomin in but just not a huge difference. Second is trying to zoom to a soccer field about 300 feet away... problem is that you can see field fine, but when you zoom it bring picture way to low and it pointed as high as you can go with joystick. is this just due to the 15ft rise not being high enough? is there any adjustments (other then adding pole to raise it) that can be done? Thank you!