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Everything posted by ChuckWoods

  1. I just got the DVR and can't seem to get it to record on motion only. Not only that, it seems to record ALL channels, even channels w/o a camera. "Channel 8 (no camera)" is a pic of the playback screen from IE for channel 8 which has no camera. Why would there be a recording when there's no camera? Also note all the listed recordings. Most contain no motion even for channels with a camera. And NONE of them are for motion detection. They are all labeled as "Normal recording" Why are there so many recordings? And why none for motion detection. The second attached shows the recording settings for channel 1 which has a camera. Note it is set for motion recording. There are many recordings here too but none for motion detection. What am I doing wrong? Thanks
  2. ChuckWoods

    How to record motion only. Zmodo H.264

    Thanks for the feedback. It seems to be working but I've got some more testing to do.