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  1. Check and make sure the Main Stream setting is all the same under the record menu in the NVR
  2. epcjay

    Help with Dash Cam

    I picked up a G1W for about 60US from Amazon You'll need to get a memory card as well. Here's a sample clip from May D73aG1HWFHM
  3. I google searched and came to this thread and wanted to add that I had the same problem. Here's my solution. Thanks for this. Mine was the oppsite. I could see the camea when I viewed all the cameras at once. When I viewed that specific camera, I get the error. What I found out was the camera was set to 3MP mode under Main Stream, and not 2MP (1080p mode). My NVR cannot handle 3MP, so I went to main menu > record > advanced, and my Main Stream was set to 3MP (2048x1536). Changed it back to 1920 x 1080, and problem was solved.
  4. Feel like an idiot. Thanks for the screenshots! Helped tremendously!
  5. What's the IP on you WAN port? Is it a 192 ip? You can also google what is my ip address, and it will tell you your public IP address.
  6. Hi There, I need some help with setting up a display at home, so I can watch the 3 of my stores. On the mobile app, I am able to to set the quality (fluent vs clear) of the stream thus, reducing the bandwidth usage allow me to see all 15 cameras at a one time (3 stores, 5 per store) On the iVMS-4200 windows app, I can't seem to find the function to reduce the quality of the stream, so it's causing the app to hang because of the limitation of the upload stream at the stores. It's coming in at full 1080p. Does anyone know how to adjust the resolution on the iVMS-4200 app, or is there something else I can use? I prefer NOT to use the web portal as I cannot view all 15 feeds at once (5 feeds per store), unless there is a way to add feeds? Thanks in advance.
  7. Are they swan cameras? You may need to "set" the ip address manually as the DVR may not know how to automatically set them for you. Also, some swan kits don't allow other types of cameras, and it has to be a specific one. I can't seem to find any note on this NVR, so I think your ok.
  8. epcjay

    Apps for viewing Lorex Ssystem

    It's not the app that's doing it. It sounds like its the limitation on the upload speed of your home internet connection
  9. Make sure your timezone is correctly set on the camera. Is auto update turned on?
  10. maybe? For my chinese camera, GOOLink from play store works.
  11. epcjay

    Use VLC to view feeds from chinese DVRs

    I'm just looking up your digimerge brand, and I don't see anywhere in the manuals in various models that it says it supports RTSP. Whats your model?
  12. epcjay

    Use VLC to view feeds from chinese DVRs

    Thanks, I was actually looking for a solution then I found the link from another web site, and then i saw your post. Question though, what does the last part of the URL do? "real_stream--rtp-caching=100"" Mine works with and without it but just wanting to see if that command makes it better. Also, I learned that "stream=0" = Main feed. "stream=1" = sub-feed (lower quality) for those who have bandwidth limitations.
  13. epcjay

    picture interference

    I ordered some bad quality power supplies that caused the problem too. Switched to something else and its a lot better now
  14. From experience, that seems like a power issue with the adapter. Does it slowly move up?
  15. epcjay

    Connect BNC camera to DVR with UTP inputs

    Without know the pin out of the UTP on the DVR, your basically taking a chance. There's a chance you are sending 12V via the wrong pin which would lead to a dead camera. I came across these. Pretty pricey if you ask me, but I believe this is what you need. http://www.ebay.com/itm/PTBNC-402C8-BNC-coax-To-RJ45-Adapter-for-Samsung-Systems-SDE-4001-SDE-5001-/270968348215