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Everything posted by Douglaster

  1. Douglaster

    Dahua firmware

    Humm, thats because i have one 3200c that dont seem to work, its led stays green but it dont appear in the Configtool, and after a few minutes it just reboots. Anyone have any ideas ? Thanks.
  2. Douglaster

    Dahua firmware

    Well, im f*cked then
  3. Douglaster

    Dahua firmware

    Anyone know the telnet commands to upload the .img file ? Thank,.s
  4. Douglaster

    Dahua firmware

    Turn the camera on and check the rs232 cable and software from the tftp... hyperterminal and cisco tftp program... With these programs, you can And the commands ?
  5. Douglaster

    Dahua firmware

    Humm, i updated to the russian version and now i cant get any other firmware to upgrade the camera ! Anyone knows the telnet method ? I've tried by configtool and webbrowser, but they both give me the same error "error ocurred when sending upgrade file" But the file works fine in another same.
  6. Douglaster

    Dahua firmware

    Any chance of original dahua ntsc firmware ? i mean the latest ? (11-09 i think)
  7. Douglaster

    Dahua firmware

    Can someone post the last firmware (i think its 09/11/12) for the 3200c ? NTSC please. Thanks.
  8. Hi there my friends ! This camera, for me, is the ultimate cost x Benefit. POE, small size, REAL 1080p, nice dome with some protection, nice embedded software with constant updates (although a bit hard to get the upgrades). But one thing bothers me, it cant see at all at night, its completely pitch black. So i wonder if i switch the lens for another or remove the IR-Filter (do they have one at all ?) will make them see at night ? I have another camera with IR Leds that is flooding the room with IR. Thanks for the help.
  9. Ah , just what i wanted to know ! Thanks. Ill try this this weekend !
  10. Thanks for the help guys. I will not touch them for now, for now haha
  11. Yep, no problem with the "wash out" effect on colors. But my questions remains, if i remove the filter, leaving NO filter in the lens, will it see IR ? Thanks
  12. Douglaster

    Dahua shortage?

    My seller at Aliexpress said the same thing. Waiting for the next batch ! Hopefully this will lower even more its price.
  13. I have the 3200CN and at night its almost pitch black. You can set some settings to actually see something, but the noise destroys the image quality. I solved this by attaching a LED IR illuminator to it ! Now its perfect !