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Don Vito

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Everything posted by Don Vito

  1. Hi all Yup im a nube. Heres my problem I designed a endzone video mount a tripod that extendes to 25' for videoing high school football games. I planed to use a JVC camcorder with their direct wifi to my android tablet. Problem is the connection is poor and its not going to be a suitable option. So ive been looking into CCTV products I will need a 1 channel HD recorder that will recorde to a SD card, 7" monitor, 20 to 30 optocal zoom HD camera and a controler for zoom control of the camera the pan and tilt is manual. I would prefer cable connections rather the wifi. If anyone has a sudjestion for each product that would be most apreciated. There are so many products out there and I know so little but learning quickly Thanks DV