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Everything posted by t010203

  1. Hi all, We have recently replaced a CCTV that covers a very dark part of our venue. There is a separate infra-red light pointing at this area to provide the CCTV with night vision. However this new CCTV doesn't seem to pick up any of the infra-red light provided by the light source. Our supplier assured us that the CCTV does indeed have the ability to pick up infra-red light but it's not working because our infra-red light source is a different frequency. Can someone please tell me what are the common infra-red frequencies used in CCTV night vision mode? Do they have to match exactly to the frequency used in the camera of they have a range? Not sure if this helps but the CCTV is one of those dome shape ones that you can remotely turn and zoom. It contains a Sony image sensor. Many thanks in advance.
  2. t010203

    CCTV with different infra-red frequency?

    Thank you very much GrouchoBoucho The separate led light we have does have a faint red glow so I assume it is the standard 840-860nm range. The camera seem to have a night mode, when it's in colour mode and I point it to a dark area, I can see the image suddenly change to grey/black and white. Can you please tell me why you think the new CCTV is not picking up infra-red at 840-860nm range and what solution would you suggest? Many Thanks