1.go to www.dyndns.com
2.Apply for a free dynamic domain name
3.go to menu, then set up, then network, then DDNS, choice
provider dyndns, input the user name, password and domain.
4.connect the DVR with Router, theN go to LAN. set
DVR Http port to 88. default dev port 8607 for Remote
monitoring. mobile port 101 for mobile Remote monitoring.
5.go to router port setting. set up 8607 port ip same as DVR
ip. 101 port ip same as DVR ip. 88 port ip same as DVR ip too.
6.it looks as these.
7.input you dynamic domain name, notice add :88
8.then you can go to here. not need input passward. press
OK. then you can remotely access it. for mobile phone, it is
same. just need download TMeye APP.