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Everything posted by Thomas

  1. Thomas

    Understanding viewing angles

    For the same size lens yes. But the same viewing angles can be achived with using a differant lens size for each CCD type.
  2. Thomas

    How to handle 100 units of IP camera??

    Yes, this is called your network admin. Given the amount of bandwith this is going to require, you need a networking guy. While there is some software that will help, you'll be looking at the high end networking gear and you'll need someone with skills to tweak it.
  3. Thomas

    Hard Drives - Speed and Cooling

    The one thing that people forget about airflow is your cabling. You can put in a ton of fans and a bad cabling job can make it all waste. Tie downs are your friend!
  4. Not really. It's going to be an anonmous machine on the rack and if you spend the money for a PoE switch then there won't be tell tales short of ripping all of the wires out. Which would have the exact same effect on an analog machine.
  5. I know they have spent time in the system making some adjustments. I generally try not to crowd them on support issues. I know they were able to get the frame rates higher then what you posted.
  6. I actually don't recomend a local anti-virus. They tend to be resource hungry. I do recommend something like Trend-Micro's Housecall or the Symantic Corp Ed.
  7. Thomas


    The best answer is to consult a local lawyer.
  8. I'm talking to support at the moment. I don't have an answer, my time in support was coming to an end when IP Server was coming out so I don't have a lot of experance with troubleshooting it. Give me a day or so and I should have some answers.
  9. Given I work for a company that produces DVRs I will recuse myself from a DVR suggestion. But most of the PC based stuff and even alot of the stand alones are going to have remote viewing. I would also suggest removing the PTZ and swapping it out for some fixed cameras.
  10. For a small application your are spending way too much money. Small PC based system and some medium end analog cameras.
  11. Thomas

    Remote viewing over LAN not web

    You need someone to upload to.
  12. Thomas

    Newbie help

    Most of your IR is going to be reflected back into the camera.
  13. Assuming your gear all supports PoE then yes. You should have some non-PoE ports on your router/switch/hub.
  14. Thomas

    Mailman leaves me more than the mail...

    Just keep in mind that if the mike can pick up anything at any kind of distance (20' or so) the person being recorded may not be able to see that sign. And the laws on the subject do not discrimanate between public and private property.
  15. Yes and No. There are port injectors that can be added to a port to make it PoE. But they aren't cheap and you need to make sure they match the PoE spec you'll be using.
  16. Thomas

    Seminary paper

    Try adding "physical" to your keywords.
  17. Thomas

    Open Cash Register Drawer Remotely

    And I read that. It just seems to me that he hasn't thought this plan through all the way.
  18. Thomas

    Open Cash Register Drawer Remotely

    How is he going to close it?
  19. Thomas

    Mailman leaves me more than the mail...

    While there is no legal expectation of privacy for visual acts, there can be a reasonable expectation of privacy for audio. So yes, there can be a reasonable expectation of privacy in public.
  20. Thomas

    Seminary paper

    The wikipedia has a great article on it. And then of course there is always Google. We'll be happy to answer spefic questions you have.
  21. Thomas

    Microphone Needed. What is a good one to get?

    And I'm going to add my usual warning. Please make sure that your area allows for audio recording. Please note that "Well it's for my home" has zero bearing on the situation. State and Federal laws do not care where the audio is recorded, simply that it is recorded. Also keep in mind that at the very least one party needs to be aware they are being recorded. So if you set up a hiden camera with audio, and record two people who do not know they are being recorded the congrats! You just managed to violate Federal guidelines and commit a felony. Which means that submitting that tape is going to get you five to ten years.
  22. Thomas

    Now that's what I call good news!

    Rory...have you tried sleeping?
  23. The GPL does not public domain code put under it. The writer of the code continues to keep any and all copyrights to the code. They simply allow for free distrubtion of the code.
  24. There may be a market but it has a lot of challenges: 1. Distrubtion method. Do you use .rpm or .deb? What about Gentroo users? Or do you chose to support only one distro? 2. Support. Tech support for Linux is going to be more expensive. 3. Tools. Linux is lagging behind some of the video things and would force developers to create those tools. I'm not saying it's impossible but it's not trival either.