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Everything posted by Thomas

  1. Thomas

    how can i access the private forum

    Send it again. I took a period off from the forums and didn't reply to some of the PMs sent to me.
  2. Thomas

    DVR with dvd complient burner

    Right, and I'd be rather concerned about the software handling. Quite often they change codec settings during install and that's a bloody nightmare to fix.
  3. Thomas

    DVR with dvd complient burner

    I doubt very many would. You might be able to jury rig something with a PC based system but you're looking at a massive PITA. Polarbear, why do you think you need DVD compliant burned copies?
  4. Thomas

    DVR with dvd complient burner

    But would it output DVD standard MPEG-2, that's what he's asking for?
  5. A fact I'm well aware of. I'm asking why you would add a layer of complexity by changing that port for no security value. I could understand if you were going to use something like port knocking to open it, but simply moving it to 5002 doesn't help. It's either going to show up as a known or unknown web server to a port scan.
  6. Why are you suggesting this?
  7. We've had spam issues in the past. In fact we still tend to get some issues with it. Combine it with overzealous manufacturers and it can rise to some fairly epic levels.
  8. Thomas

    Veracity Lan and POE repeater

    So it's a one port PoE switch?
  9. Pretty much all IP cameras are proprietary.
  10. Thomas

    AVC760AS Recording Matrix

    A standalone unit that actually obeys the GPL? Nice.
  11. Thomas

    Zoom out distance

    That you won't see ****.
  12. Thomas

    Zoom out distance

    It would be a field of view of ~ 125.7 ft by 94.3. A human being is generally 6 ft x 2 ft. So a person would take up less then .1% of that image. . You probably meant to say 1.6% 6 * 2 = 12 125.7 * 94.3 = 11853.51 12/11853.51= 0.00101 and change. Did I make a math error somewhere?
  13. Thomas

    Zoom out distance

    It would be a field of view of ~ 125.7 ft by 94.3. A human being is generally 6 ft x 2 ft. So a person would take up less then .1% of that image. The 22x zoom refers the ratio of lens at it's widest to it's most narrow point. I find myself suspecting that you're trying do something in a more painful way then needed.
  14. Thomas

    Zoom out distance

    Wait, are you trying to zoom in to a focal distance of 3000 ft?
  15. You'll generate a pretty constant stream of false positives. No, there is no magic solution for it.
  16. Thomas

    Help Please - PTZ protocol question

    The Pelco D/P protocols do support automatic panning. It may be a limitation of either the DVR or the cameras, but not with the protocol.
  17. Then why does one of the IP address you posted from show as assigned to Formosa USA? For the rest of this discussion, keep in mind that you've been caught. Now the question becomes, do you continue to tell lies and drag your companies name through the mud, or do you apologize for being a sleaze bag? Think very carefully.
  18. So the They in that sentence should be a We? Because one of the IP addresses you posted from is from an IP block assigned to them. Because I'd hate to think that you were attempting to get around the adverting policy by astro turfing. I mean I'm sure you didn't to imply that you don't work for them with statements like this:
  19. So who is Formosa USA? All I can find in the San Francisco is an import/export firm. Do they also have an security installation company on the side?
  20. Absolutely, it doesn't matter what "voltage" the camera uses IF you are using the POE to power it. It knows what to do, it's an IEEE standard. As I said, only if *not* using the POE. How did you find out it was a "12V" camera? - you checked the docs! The table you posted are the details of how the POE injector (midspan or POE switch) internally figures out if its safe to apply voltage to the cable. You don't need to worry about that stuff. It's the job of the POE camera to figure out how to power itself off whatever appears on the line. One thing to note, it's a nitpick, but not all injectors follow the IEEE standard. Almost all of the switches and other hardware will, but there are a number of cheap PoE injectors that do not follow the standard. Easy way to spot them is if they use a pair of injectors, one for power in, and one with a DC cord out.
  21. Don't forget many don't run windows or IE and DVR manufacters seem to be slaves to microsoft. The real question is "Why does my DVR remote connection only work with XP and possibly Vista?" Do you want the real reason or the PR answer? Both insult the intelligence of customers and installers. One just happens to be true.
  22. Because it's a massive pain in the ass because PDA browsers tend to be poorly implemented pieces of ****.
  23. Thomas

    Geovision and Windows API

    To the best of my knowledge none of the capture cards would allow you to do that. What are you trying to do, and why do you think that using capture cards is the way to do it?