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Everything posted by Thomas

  1. Thomas

    Computer power supplies

    Never heard of them. Seem to have mixed reviews at newegg. One thing you can do it test the voltage on it if you have it set up. http://www.fonerbooks.com/power.htm Has some of the voltage listings for what you should be seeing. Please keep in mind that the tolerance of PC parts is withing .2 volts.
  2. Not really Rory. Converting VB to Java doesn't do much, Java is sandboxed and VB requires access to windows API's alot. Somethings can be converted but Java isn't great for graphics. Also note that I can't see any activeX stuff due to using a browser that doesn't support it. (Which I like.)
  3. I tried the demo....grrr....ActiveX is bad!
  4. Eh, Rory perfers standalones and I work for the competion.
  5. Thomas

    not another!!

    They are saying it make be a hurricane before it gets to you.
  6. Server can do it as well, but it's not ment to. (Most of what server does can be done without logging in at all, like being a domain controller, ect) To do it in W2k Server requires a registry hack. MS lists the registry hack in the knowage base article I linked to. But if you don't mind my asking, why use w2k server?
  7. *coughs* The login for W2k can be bypassed on startup unless the user is on a domain. I posted the instructions. Simply adding the program to startup would allow for what recycle bean needs.
  8. Given that for something like this, you want a 98% uptime, I wouldn't try to force the program into being something it's not.
  9. For the rest of the world I would consult with a local Lawyer, Barister, Warlord or other qualified legal expert.
  10. Thomas

    PTZ cameras

    Sorry, a BB gun is a "toy" gun. It shoots a small metal pellet that's about 1 cm across. It's generally air powered. It's not really dangerous to humans (except if you hit the right areas like the eyes,) and it's used to teach basic shooting or hunting very small game.
  11. Welcome to a legal grey area. Please consult a lawyer in your jurisdiction because the "but some guy told me this is legal on the internet" defense doesn't hold up well. Okay, Federal law requires one party consent for recording phone conversations. Some states require two party consent for any recording. As a general rule it's legal and you're on safe ground to record with your CCTV system but again, please consult a lawyer. Local laws can be very differant.
  12. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q234562 That is the full set of instructions. Control Panel-> Users and Access-> Uncheck the users must log in box and make sure it's the right box->Advanced-> Uncheck the "hit Alt-Ctrl-Del" box.
  13. Thomas


    Most of the time it's peaceful, I promise.
  14. Thomas

    PTZ cameras

    Sorry, it should have been Phillip's. The gentleman's name is Phillip. And I can still go one better then that. Add a BB gun.
  15. This works for any windows program you want to start on start up. (Our installer does this for us automaticly.) Make a shortcut for the program. Then place the shortcut in the startup folder in the users Document and Settings folder.
  16. Thomas


    Sorry, I should clarify that then. By goverment standards they were very mentally incompetent.
  17. Thomas


    We have our elections in Nov. The previous elections had a bit of a debate due a combination of the voters (and goverment officals) being both stupid and mentally incompetent in the state of Florida.
  18. Thomas

    PTZ cameras

    www.demovi.com There you go Rory. The camera you want is Phillips. I can also be seen on the demo from time to time as I move around the office. Phillip is usually in at about 11 am centeral time. I don't have a camera at my desk (due to the fact that I have a wireing nightmare and an area we use for building machines behind me. If called, I will take request to go and wave to a camera.
  19. Thomas


    Apparently even god doesn't want a repeat of 2000...
  20. Thomas

    PTZ cameras

    How about a PTZ camera at your desk, above your monitor, hooked up to a web demo letting others move it remotely. That's creepy. Luckly it's my co-worker and not me.
  21. Thomas


    Might want to replace the valve on it, but if the tank is sound, keep that.
  22. Thomas


    Propane is also pretty stable in storage and can be put in man portable containers that can provide a few days cooking fuel. It's also relatively cheap.
  23. Thomas

    PTZ cameras

    On a human note, having a PTZ follow your motions if you're able to observe it at a close enough range to hear the motors is extremely creepy.
  24. Thomas


    Yep, then discarded it.
  25. Thomas

    PTZ cameras

    I would guess by looking at the amount of change. If a tennis ball is 1% and a human is 10%, go with the higher number. Gonna suck in traffic situations but I get the sense it's more for indoor/isolated areas.