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  1. Drake

    Hello New Here

    I have been selling and Installing NUUO Vivotek GeoVision and a few others now for about 3 years NUUO being my Main selling point. I live in a small community of about 5000 in Northern Missouri . I have about 30% of my town covered in NUUO Hybrid Analog systems . and around another 10% with Geo. Most of my DVR's are PC based this is because a lot of Home owners already have a pc and Choose to use it I try to steer them from it but they do digging online and well I just do what they ask . Just joined to Read up and get more Into IP type systems NUUO is Good, but lacks in Ip software IMO so trying to find more about IP cameras and such. I Run a (veary small install Co) Me my wife and my 2 boys( they are in school )so me and the wife mostly . I also have a Part time job that take's up around 40 hr every 10 days so I keep busy. So that is about all I have thanks for letting me read and get new Ideas. about what I can and cant do .