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  1. darkness84

    Help with tag on house Burg

    This is really difficult to read, but if I were to guess, it looks like SHJ652. Hope your community can catch this criminal.
  2. darkness84

    IP vs DRV cameras?

    Ok, so I did a search here but nothing direct seemed to pull up for my question which is a shock because what I have to ask is pretty simple and probably a lot of noobs like myself have asked. But I'm sorry if this is a repeated question. Hopefully someone can be helpful. I've actually been looking for a good IP camera or DRV camera for both day and night vision. For the day because I've been missing "delivered" packages and I know ups tends to leave packages at the door now, and for nights because there has been several burglaries around my neighborhood and I think I'd feel a bit safer knowing there are a few more eyes watching my house. I'm also looking for something that will help read license plates easily in the dark too. Would IP cameras be able to pick up this kind of detail? I'm just wondering what would be a better option for my usage or either one would be fine?
  3. Hm, I can't be of help here, but this would be interesting to learn if it's possible.