This is my first time dealing with this camera set up, so hopefully I can explain this correctly. Here is my system I am currently using. It is a VC-SYS-4CHLAN ( ) I have all the cameras run to the dvr, the dvr has power, the dvr is ran to my tv, and I have it hardwired to my router. When I installed the software on my laptop, I can access the cameras, and view the old files and everything. Now when I take my laptop out of my home and off that network, they no longer work. It seems I can only connect when I am in my home. As you all know it is nice to be able to see my cameras when I am not at home. If anyone can help me with what I am doing wrong, or any advice or tips/tricks that would be great.
I also would love to be able to see my cameras from my Ipad or Iphone, if anyone knows how to do that, it would be helpful as well. Thanks for your help in advance.