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Swann Tech

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Everything posted by Swann Tech

  1. Swann Tech

    Running HD-SDI Cameras Over Cat5e With Baluns

    Yes, but in my opinion a waste of time. You'd be better off putting the $70 or so *per camera* for the baluns into getting a NVR system instead. Source: B&H website
  2. Of course we do! http://www.swann.com/downloads/New_FTP/Name/NVR_Temporary/Software/SwannView%20NVR.exe It's on the disc you get with an NVR, but not with cameras because you're meant to be connecting them to our NVR.
  3. Hey tim36, It's not that your mobile carrier has a problem. As far as we can tell from our investigations most US carriers block port 554, which is the default port for network streaming video. That just also happens to be the port our NVR uses to stream video. The solution is to change the RTSP port on the NVR (we suggest a port >1024). If your UPnP system is working correctly that adjustment should cascade immediately to the router and you should be able to receive your video on the phone. You should be able to receive video on wifi regardless of changing the port or not as then the phone will not be using the mobile carrier connection and will not therefore be subject to any of the carrier blocks that might be in place.
  4. Hi guys, I can confirm for you that the current Swann IP camera available from Costco is not a 3MP sensor. I don't have any details about the lens but if MaxIcon's calculations are correct it could possibly be a 3.2mm lens. Even so the edge curvature of the image doesn't adequately suggest 3.2mm but I haven't had the opportunity to compare cameras in this resolution before.
  5. Yes. I believe one of my colleagues has already had a chat to him. I think you might be confusing terms there Z. My understanding of VBR is that the average data rate is preserved while keeping the ability to increase the data rate in high load environments such as high image delta. I *think* you mean 'maximum throughput'?
  6. Hi guys, Some further testing has suggested that the issue with mobile access is actually carrier level port blocking. Changing the RTSP port on the DVR has resulted in positive tests on both AT&T and Sprint services. If anyone is experiencing mobile access issues could they please change the RTSP port to something else (say 5544) and run another test. Don't forget to reconfigure your port forwarding if you have it set manually! Anything outside the registered port range should be OK.
  7. LOL right. This is just my back up plan, if I have to Ill sell off the NVR. The only hang up I have about building my own box, is I want the stability of an appliance and linux. Im not going to lie...my linux skills are a little rough. I know I can build a stable box, but I just want it to work...granted were not really off toa good start. Swann told me that FPS doesnt matter...i was like riiiiiiight. Hi Z, Context mate. We were talking about recording capacity, which FPS does not affect. Only the bitrate affects the recording capacity. However, if you do reduce the FPS then you may get a clearer picture as the same bitrate with less FPS would mean more data for each individual frame.
  8. Thanks. This shows you how much I know about electricity. The key word is 'switching'. These regulate the output and so will not damage devices that they are overrated for.
  9. I was looking for an power adapter for my Swann\Costco SWNHD-820CAM, so I called at 9:40AM EST (GMT-5) and here is what I heard... How annoying is that? Hi mate, Our apologies. Spare parts are handled by US customer service which is only open for the US warehouse/office opening hours. You would likely have chosen 'spare parts' from the IVR. Tech is open all the time but we cannot process spares. If you've got bits and pieces lying around you'll probably have a 12V switching adaptor there somewhere? Min 500mA should do the trick.
  10. I'm very sorry mate, but I can't comment on possible settings that are outside the intended usage of the cameras. It's very much a case of "you brick it, you bought it". We cannot advise customers to make modifications that may damage the cameras as we would then be liable for the damage. What I can give you is that the configuration software (Swannview NVR) has quite a few more settings than the NVR itself. For example, it is possible to have cameras on the external NIC interface of the NVR. I apologise that I cannot provide more information than that.
  11. Hi guys, I just saw the videos posted on the edge quality issues. These must be batch issues. There are some operating in our test lab at the moment and there is no indication of the poor quality images that some of you are getting. If you do have cameras with poor quality, please either return to Costco for exchange or contact our office directly. http://www.swann.com/s/company/contactus/
  12. Swann Tech

    Swann DVR - no mobile menu

    Hi MM, The 4000 (& 3000) series DVRs do not have a mobile menu, nor do they use a mobile port. All streams come from the server port on this DVR (default 9000). Usually the first impediment to seeing the DVR on your phone is an incorrectly configured router. Have you checked the functionality of your router? The UPnP implementation on the DVR is very good, but not all routers are compatible.
  13. Swann Tech

    Swann DVR internet viewing video quality

    Here's a few things that you could try: 1. Check the record menu on the DVR and ensure your cameras are set to record at D1 resolution. This will have a measurable and positive impact on both the recording picture quality and the network video feed. 2. When connecting to your DVR within the house, make sure to choose 'LAN' as the type. Choosing 'Internet' from the list will restrict the bandwidth of the session according to the value you have set under the network viewer application options (512kbps by default). Good luck, and let us know if that helps. The Swann Support Team.