Hi all,
I got a GeoVision GV800 16 ch capture card and from 1 week I try to install WDM driver but it seems SF movie.
The capture card seems to be GeoVision but as I saw can be a replica or something chinese.
The capture card work perfectly with provided DVR software.
The card has Conexant Fusion 878A chipset and for WDM I use btwincap.
I have 2 scanarios:
1. UNSUCCESFULL: install card drivers + WDM wincap is not working as I supposed
2. SUCCESFULL but until restart: install card drivers + start DVR + close DVR + install WDM.
After computer restart is not working anymore.
I test the camera with amcap.
I'm ashame because I do not understand what is happening (I suppose the DVR software load sometring in memory or replace somethnig on disk(not sure))
I use XP SP 2 with ATI Radeon 5450 computer and I reinstalled it 4 times for last 30 tests.
I there anything I can do, because I will get crazy soon.