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Everything posted by jshanker

  1. I'm trying to help set up a quad splitter on a friend's home surveillance system. He bought a Javelin JQ603 Quad Splitter on eBay. It works great, but there are 4 buttons on the front labeled as follows: above the buttons: 1. Quad 2. Freeze 3 and 4. ID/Time below the buttons: 1. Auto 2. Full 3. Title 4. Shift The device came without any documentation, and I was wondering if anyone out there knows how to set the time to display correctly. My guess is that I would need to hook up a remote control cable to the back, his thinking is that there's some sequence of button presses on the front that will do it. Does anyone either know the answer to the question or, even better, know where a PDF manual for the product might be found? Thanks! --Jason P.S. My best guess based on some web searching is that Javelin is now owned by Honeywell, but Honeywell does not seem to have any support info for the products on their site.