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Everything posted by 51cent

  1. There seems to be a lot of laser camera detectors. How well they work, I don't know. Here is more on the brickhouse detectors, buty it's 4 years old. http://www.techlicious.com/tip/the-secrets-to-finding-hidden-cameras/
  2. This one claims to find any camera.
  3. There is an extension for Chrome named MyIPCam that works and is free.
  4. duck, I tried but couldn't do it.
  5. Ducky, I see those are screen shots. Can you post up original pics/video?
  6. 51cent

    Port Forwarding for Security Camera

    Look up your router here. http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/
  7. I had the same problem with an Empire security camera, it was one hour off on Eastern standard time. I just picked the next time zone from the drop down list.
  8. Did you try SADP tool to connect? If you can't connect, you may need to use the TFTP method to reinstall your firmware, but you may open up a whole new can of worms if yours is a Chinese camera. First I would try the company you bought the camera from for the correct firmware.
  9. This works for me in VLC with a single Hikvision camera rtsp://user:password@ip_address:554/CH001.sdp
  10. 51cent

    Client Snoops through our house

    As a young lad I worked for an exterminator. Looking along baseboards/corners of closets and backs of drawers etc was where you would look for termite droppings, other infestations. Or, he could just be a perv.
  11. 51cent

    Wireless camera question

    Wireless cameras do need a power source, in the US 110 volt is standard. The big drawback with wireless is it is not as reliable as wired(ethernet) connections, it will sometimes drop out, maybe when you need it the most. You may want to research POE, power over ethernet. Power and video over 1 relatively easy to run cat5 or cat6 wire.
  12. 51cent

    Why can't I open up other ports now?

    A couple of problems I have encountered (not an Asus, but a 2wire router) 1. I can't open ports over 50,000. 50,000 was ok, but 50001 and above wouldn't forward 2. Forwarded ports wouldn't open/work unless I let DHCP assign the ip address. When I assigned a static ip address to the camera, I couldn't forward the ports. After that I would change make that ip address static (uncheck use DHCP on the cameras). A google search may help find the oddities in your router.
  13. 51cent

    Blue Iris common issues

    Blue iris probably supports more cameras, or as many as any other software. It does require a lot of computer horsepower to run it though, depending on how many/type of cameras.
  14. 51cent


    Like many things, the more you spend(usually), the better or more features. I would get one that records video/infrared/higher and more megapixels for better detail. You can find them at local sporting goods stores or online. When possible, I like a local brick and mortar store because of easier returns if something is wrong.
  15. 51cent


    Look into a game or trail camera. Battery powered/infrared flash, you will need to find a good hiding spot for it.
  16. 51cent

    no ip.com

    The DUC client updates your ip address in case it changes. The 30 day activation is different from the DUC and keeps your account alive. This is just a way to make you purchase the service. You don't need to change anything else (at least in my case).
  17. 51cent

    spycam question

    This is why I'd say it's just a PIR sensor. When you look at all of the rest of them that are cameras, they all look like this: http://goo.gl/TpNy7v Whoa! Did you see the pic in the add for the tomtophone from DHgate dot com in that link? I wonder who their target clientele are?
  18. 51cent

    Night vision blue spot

    Could it be a chemical stain or dye only viewable at night or in IR light? Could you move the camera a little bit to see if the spot moves?
  19. All Hail Big Brother! Orwell had the year wrong was all.
  20. I be wantin to know that too.
  21. 51cent

    Pet surveillance camera NO SMART PHONE

    Maybe a game surveillance camera fits your needs. https://www.google.com/search?q=surveillance+game+cameras&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&channel=np&source=hp Battery powered, some have infrared flash and record video.
  22. Good stuff Kawboy. Grab yourself a new set of spurs out of petty cash. I saw this site yesterday from a link posted at another site.
  23. One of the purposes of a forum like this is to help people. If someone doesn't want to help, don't help, it's simple. There is a Private/Professional section for the pros. Another purpose of a forum is advertising revenue, the more members/traffic, the higher the revenue. That is usually considered a good thing.
  24. I would imagine it's not one of googles policy making staff driving that car. It's probably some college kid making minimum wage, told to go down the street if it doesn't say private or no trespassing. So instead of tilting at windmills, put up a sign, it will at least keep google and honest people out.
  25. Why not put up signs then to avoid future problems?