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Everything posted by 51cent

  1. 51cent

    Port Forwarding help

    With chrome browser you will need the ie tab extension to use the plugin. Or try the Pale Moon browser.
  2. 51cent

    Working with Mozilla

    Chrome browser with ie tab extension works for me. Another option is the Pale Moon browser. https://www.palemoon.org/
  3. 51cent

    Best Software- PC IP based...

    Sporty, I wonder if Smart PSS for Dahua would work on your flir cameras?
  4. 51cent

    Sony Starvis

    The Dahua starlight will get ghosting in color mode at night,unless you add more light, but b&w is much better. Good luck
  5. 51cent

    Sony Starvis

    And The Lord sayeth let there be more light. More light is the probable solution for the older cameras. At night, the exposure is slower to let in more light, causing moving objects to ghost. The Dahua 2mp starlight cameras and the Hikvision ultra lowlight cameras are currently the best of the affordable low light cameras.
  6. 51cent

    connect CCTV camera to PC

    Post the make & model of camera
  7. Pete, look at the Hikvision ultra lowlight or Dahua starlight cameras, they cost a little more than the DS-2CD2335-I but have much better night vision.
  8. 51cent

    View DVR's Cameras by RTSP

    You could try here. http://www.ispyconnect.com/man.aspx?n=samsung
  9. 51cent

    I need a camera that is offline

    The time2 camera looks like an interior camera. Some exterior cameras with a sd card put the card inside and must be partially taken apart to access the card. If you don't want internet access, use any cvamera and just don't set it up for the internet. Another option would be a game or wildlife camera.
  10. 51cent

    What to buy?

    If night vision is important, I would look at the 2mp Dahua Starlight cameras, or the Hikvision ultra lowlight cameras.
  11. Did you try here? https://portforward.com/huawei/hg8245q/
  12. If the barn has power on the same circuit breaker box as the house, you could possibly use powerline adapters. The max range is about 300 yards, but probably less. Or possibly a pair of these might work. https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/search?Ntt=Engenius%20N%20Enh500%20Kit&N=0&InitialSearch=yes&sts=ma&Top+Nav-Search=
  13. 51cent

    Hikvision US or Non US

    Doesn't B&H have a brick and mortar store in NY? They are a legit Hikvision and Dahua dealer.
  14. The Hikvision looks like a goiod choice, one of the ultra lowlight models. The Dahua doesn't, look for the Dahua Starlight models.
  15. 51cent

    Record time

    Try here. https://www.ispyconnect.com/userguide-recording.aspx If that doesn't help, look at BlueIris. BlueIris has a demo version.
  16. 51cent

    DS-2CD2025FWD-I 2.8 0.05 or 0.005 lux

    I don't know if there is an older model of that camera, but it should be the ultra lowlight one. Go into the camera config page and look at the model number there.
  17. 51cent

    Viewing through a browser

    Try Chrome browser with IE tab.
  18. 51cent

    Night Time Mode Washed Out Need New Camera Help

    Look into Dahua Starlight cameras or Hikvision ultra lowlight cameras. They have a very good night time image.
  19. What have you tried so far? Entered in the correct ip address/port /username/password? The find/inspect option will usually solve the problem. For help, post details/what you have tried.
  20. Hmmmm, in the northern hemisphere in the winter, what rises in the east crosses the southern sky and sets in the west...I'm stupified.
  21. 51cent

    IP Camera will not connect to LAN

    Is your camera on the same subnet as your lan/router? 192.168.1.xxx for the router and 192.168.0.xxx for the camera won't work. I don't know what the q-see defaault ip address is. Do you have the installation cd? Maybe the config tool can help you find the ip address. https://qsee.custhelp.com/#/answer?a_id=2409
  22. 51cent

    Recommendations Please

    Bullet cameras are the worst for spiders. I mix and match cameras so I use Blue Iris for recording/management. I purshase from Ali-express/China but you may have warranty problems if something goes wrong, or it costs a ton of money to send it back. I believe B&H photo is an authorized dealer.
  23. 51cent

    Recommendations Please

    Turret or eyeball cameras are a better choice because of possible ir reflection, in my opinion. A clear plastic dome exposed to sunlight can cloud up over time. For better night vision, look at Dahua Starlight cameras, or Hikvision ultra lowlight cameras.
  24. 51cent

    Camera Filter IR or Something Else

    So, you removed the filter and the video is purple? Put the filter back on and see if it corrects. One common reason for purple video is a stuck ir cut filter. Sometimes tapping on the side of camera will fix that. Or try manually switching between day and night to "jar" it loose.