Hi everyone - I wonder if someone will be able to help.
I have just replaced an antiquated DVR with a Swann Blue 8 Channel.
On my old system, it had a BNC output AND a VGA output. The vga was used for the local monitor and the BNC went up to the roof, through a modulator then into our distribution amp so the CCTV could be seen on all televisions around the house.
On the new system, there is only a HDMI and a VGA output.
The local monitor can take either of these so that's not a problem, but can someone please tell me what I have to do to connect the existing BNC ended wire that goes to the roof/distribution box ?
I really do not want to replace the BNC cable as it really is a pain to do - so ideally I think I need a little contraption that will change either the HDMI or VGA output on the Swann to a BNC connection.... any ideas ?
Thank you in advance - this really has me stumped !!