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  1. Thanks bigguy6907, That was too easy. I did not have to format as this drive was automatically formatted when I installed it as a second drive for extended storage. I did have to clean the files that were automatically installed by the OS for being the slave drive and all works well. No more grinding hard drive. The factory drive can now RIP. Hopefully the new one won't crash as this has been an issue every night lately. I am holding my breath to see if it is the mother board and not the noisy knocking drive that was the issue. It still bugs me I could not tcp to the new drive.
  2. I am attempting to install the boot loader software on a Maxtor 360 gig drive. When i tcp to the drive it connects but then stalls and a message stating Resolving hostname CONNECT Connecting to Connected. Connection established STOR \bin\zip.cof Starting FTP transfer Transfer complete Syntax error in parameters or arguments. QUIT Disconnecting. Disconnected. Any ideas would be welcome thanks