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Everything posted by LittleScoobyMaster

  1. LittleScoobyMaster

    Holy Geovision High Definition Inquisition!

    Well, If someone was looking for a Geovision card, they might ask on the forum where they should order their card from. Then, someone would give them a link to go check out, and that person might go to the link, order the card, and then they would be paying a lower price than if they just started searching the net randomly. But since we can't post those links, we can't help people get better deals on Geovision cards. We should be able to have a top 10 Geovision purchase thread or something. You know, like a PriceWatch \ PriceGrabber for Geovision cards. And it could have reseller ratings and everything. That might be helpful to some people. For instance, I'm in the market for a new card right now. I'd like to see how all the resellers stack up with each other and pick the best of the best for price and great service.
  2. LittleScoobyMaster

    Holy Geovision High Definition Inquisition!

    hi. i dont think you understand how advertising works. the forum gets nothing from links. I do understand how advertising works. I run a blog and on blogs and forums you get ad revenue from the ad banners you allow people to have on your websites. At CCTVforum, some people are saying that if we post links to great deals or sites that might be having a sale for instance, then the people paying for the ad banners feel cheated because instead of clicking on the ads, people are clicking on the informative user posted hyperlinks to get to sales\companies they have had good luck purchasing items from, etc. But this shouldn't matter. Most forums and websites aren't as overbearing when it comes to ad banners to the point that they would start removing links to sales and to websites that have lower priced items. For instance. Let's say a small surveillance company was going out a business and selling everything at 30% below what every other company was asking. In that scenario, we should be able to post a link to the site so that other Geo enthusiasts could take advantage of the sale. But that would be frowned upon here. It shouldn't be that way however. Let's say Amazon decided they were getting so many Geovision card returns that they decided to drop Geovision items from thier catalog and sold their remaining stock at a huge volume discount. If that happened, I don't think we could post the Amazon link here either. Not 100% certain on that though. Maybe they are fair game?
  3. LittleScoobyMaster

    Holy Geovision High Definition Inquisition!

    They do. You have to use IP attached cameras. As has already been covered, analog video standards don't support higher resolutions than D1 - that's not a GeoVision thing, all analog DVRs have the same limitation. I know the reasons why they don't want to allow links here, many other sites have a similar problem with ad revenue but usually they are able to obtain the ad revenue without the extreme censorship this forum often succumbs to. It's much higher here than most forums I participate in. Like you mention, it is dictatorship here, moreso than any other forum I have been on before. I only wish there was a Geo forum that wasn't run this way. The strict posting rules are probably one of the reasons the Geovision cards are still as overpriced as they are. I've seen some GV600's that cost the same now as they have 6 years ago. Seems wrong. But for the HD geovisions, that is what I am wondering about. I'll have to see which models support 1080p. Haven't looked too closely yet but the snapshots from some of the HD cameras are pretty nice.
  4. LittleScoobyMaster

    what megapixel camera is compatible with the gv 1480

    "The only HUGE problem I'm having, is trying to get the 8.5 download. I've submitted 3 requests to Geovision, and have heard nothing yet. Is Geo's tech normally this lousy? Just curious..." I have had this experience for the most part with Geovision tech support.
  5. LittleScoobyMaster

    Holy Geovision High Definition Inquisition!

    I know. But sometimes it's nice to be able to point to a link and ask people what they think of the price and of the companies reputation, or for when there is a sale or discount, etc. like they are allowed to do in non-USSR countries. To quote Chevy Chase from Caddyshack "You don't have to go to college. This isn't Russia. Is this Russia? This isn't Russia." But yeah, that's the main weakness of this forum. The average little guy DIY'r \ hobbiest \ techy can't use buying power here at all. Power to the People.
  6. LittleScoobyMaster

    Holy Geovision High Definition Inquisition!

    Holy censorship! My link was removed. I wish that didn't have to happen. I like to be able to post links to products when I have a question about them. I sometimes feel like we live in the U.S.S.R. when it comes to this forum. Reminds me of the song: Back in the......Back in the.....Back in the USSR! You don't know how lucky you are. Sing it.
  7. LittleScoobyMaster

    Holy Geovision High Definition Inquisition!

    I was thinking of the Geovision camera's like this one: [edit by mod-store link removed] However, then I'm out at the Best Buy, looking at there little web cams that are now in 1080p even, for like 100 bones or right around there. And then I'm thinkin...why can't we just plug one of those into a Geovision card for a fun little ditty. Perhaps it will never be. I think 720 is too low and surveillance needs to go HD, just like everything else these days. They should have an HD Geovision by now. Those turkies.
  8. LittleScoobyMaster

    Holy Geovision High Definition Inquisition!

    Holy moly. You mean the user manual was correct? That's lame as a cucumber in the sun. Anyone have any ideas when the Geovision cards will be able to handle the resolutions that the camera's are putting out? I still notice that Geovision only lists a 1024x768 window mode. Is that seriously still in place, meaning, if I have a widescreen monitor, the Geovision app only runs in 1024x768 after all this time? Holy Moly.
  9. LittleScoobyMaster

    No Reponse from Geovision

    I sent Geovision a message on Sunday, April 17th. So far, no reponse. I have a Geovision card that can only run up to version 7.x and I need to run 8.x for Windows 7 support and so I am hoping to be able to upgrade my GV600 8 cam hardware revision 3.1. I hope they respond soon. I used the usavisionsys.com site. Anyone else have luck with support on that site? http://www.usavisionsys.com/support/faq.php?category=26 If they don't answer me soon, I'm going to fart 3 times and then get upset.
  10. I'm looking for a high-sensitivity microphone that can hear across the street. This would be so that when the neighbors across the street are comitting drug deals, I would know when to call the police to go investigate. It would help if it were shaped like an outdoor ornament of some kind (or a big flower or something). A wireless camera built inside would be a nice added feature as well. I could send the feeds to my GV600 system. Don't want it to look like an obvious parabolic microphone or anything though. Any good microphones for this purpose? Preferably wireless. Also, if anyone has any real life stories whereby you have used surveillance equipment to get drug dealers busted, I'd like to hear the stories as perhaps they would inspire me. thanks
  11. LittleScoobyMaster

    Crazy Little Camera for the Kitchen

    Hey crazy people. Anyone have this camera? (Model: BBCA030602) sold at pm18.com. If so, just curious what you think. I am looking for a couple of wireless cameras to be placed in the kitchen windows and I don't want them to stick out too much. Anyone try these? http://www.pm18.com/24ghz-wireless-band-tiny-size-for-discreet-observation-portability-p-9676.html
  12. LittleScoobyMaster

    problems with upgrading from 7.5 to 8.34 - help please.

    What does this person do if their card isn't compatible with the newer Geovision software version? Is there an upgrade path? If so, how does this person upgrade, and what is the cost?
  13. LittleScoobyMaster

    Help geovision gv 1120 8.3.4 and Vivotek PZ7111

    Good to see you got it to work. I was looking at that camera and it looks nice. What do you think of it now that you have had a chance to use it for a while? Would you recommend it? Or have you found a better camera with the same features \ price. I see this place has it for $649. Does that sound like a good price? http://www.brickhousesecurity.com/ptz-security-camera.html I wish I had your luck with usavision. I e-mailed them going on a week now but haven't heard back anything yet. (regarding upgrading my older gv600 v3 to a version that can run GV 8.4.) A camera like that looks like it might be worth the upgrade to a real GV card like the one you have. My GV600 wouldn't be able to control that camera or even view it with Geovision software but I could use the built in web server software at least. Looks like it's running Linux version 2.6 Embedded. Have you used the auto-patrol modes on it? I like the specs of that camera.
  14. LittleScoobyMaster

    Crazy Little Camera for the Kitchen

    Thanks. I'm ok with 'fair'. Does yours list who makes the camera? It's not pm18 or any-battery something is it? I'm trying to determine which place to go with between pm18.com and anybattery.com http://www.any-battery.com/24ghz-wireless-band-tiny-size-for-discreet-observation-portability-p-10204.html I don't understand why more places don't carry this little camera. Perhaps it goes by another model number or something. Is there a better camera then this in terms of size, ease of set-up, quality, etc.?
  15. LittleScoobyMaster

    I need to see the details of a Black man's face at night.

    Racist!!! Just kidding. Your post hits my funny bone in just the right way. But seriously, like Sawbones was saying, your best bet against some of those lowlifes is to just try to deter them in clever ways. Take the Contech Electronics CRO101 Scarecrow Motion-Activated Sprinker for example. This way, at least you can get them wet. You can also consider the Mosquito range of Anti Loitering devices. see http://www.compoundsecurity.co.uk/security-equipment/mosquito-device Ilkie I've seen those before. I almost ordered one because of the noisy teenage drug dealers across the street. Problem is they cost a fortune and I couldn't find any that were made for the states, or an easy way to test them out and return it if I'm not satisified.
  16. LittleScoobyMaster

    Damn Drug Dealers Across the Street

    I know. It sometimes makes you wonder. People who wish to stop crimes get bigger penalties than drug dealers who sell thousands of dollars worth of illegal drugs every week. I also like the wording of that one. It's like, it's illegal unless it becomes public. Crazyness. "However, disclosure of the contents of an illegally recorded communication cannot be punished criminally if the contents of the communication have “become common knowledge or public information.” D.C. Code Ann. § 23-542" So like, does this mean you could say "Officer, I was going to release these recordings to the public", and then not have to pay the fine? Strange law indeed. Kinda like those anal sex laws they have in some states.
  17. LittleScoobyMaster

    Monitor Osprey Nest - Interesting situation

    That looks like a nice place. Is that house for sale? I want to live there...
  18. LittleScoobyMaster

    crazy woman need help!

    Whatever happened with this crazy lady? Also, what does she look like, and her body measurements would help. Is she a C-cup? Double D's can be too much to handle.
  19. LittleScoobyMaster

    I need to see the details of a Black man's face at night.

    Racist!!! Just kidding. Your post hits my funny bone in just the right way. But seriously, like Sawbones was saying, your best bet against some of those lowlifes is to just try to deter them in clever ways. Take the Contech Electronics CRO101 Scarecrow Motion-Activated Sprinker for example. This way, at least you can get them wet. http://www.abstreet.com/2011/03/27/contech-electronics-cro101-scarecrow-motion-activated-sprinkler-reviews/ http://www.amazon.com/Contech-Electronics-CRO101-Scarecrow-Motion-Activated/dp/B000071NUS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1303447112&sr=8-1
  20. LittleScoobyMaster

    GV-650/800 V3.52 - On Windows 7

    It's my understanding that 8.4 does support Win7, I'm not 100% positive, but I beleive it does. What I am talking about however, is the fact that if you have an older Geovision card that doesn't support version 8.4, in those circumstances, you can not run a version of Geovision that supports Windows 7. Myself and many others have the slightly older Geovision card that can not run any Geovision version past 6.x and 7.x. 6.x and 7.x GV cards will probably never be able to run Win7 without some kind of hack.
  21. LittleScoobyMaster

    New GV rant (just venting)

    True, but it can be used with many third party single cam surveillance packages on the market. It's definately not in GV's range, but it is a dvr solution that doesn't get pirated. There must be something Geo can do to cut down on the piracy issues they are plagued with.
  22. LittleScoobyMaster

    GV-650/800 V3.52 - On Windows 7

    If you ever find one, let me know. I own a legitimate card, and this ridiculous fact of not being able to run the latest drivers\software (win7 for example) for honest Geovision customers leads me to believe that if a pirated version existed, the customers should be able to use it. I have not seen one anywhere however. I do not think they exist. If they did exist, it would be an avenue for Geovision customers who have been cheated by Geovision to actually be able to use what we have purchased. I would have no problem whatsoever running a hacked version of GV code if it would mean I could use the damn card I purchased to begin with. Having to pay extra for GV driver updates is ridiculous. You don't see Nvidia charging people just to run their video card with Windows 7 drivers. How GV gets away with this fraud I will never know.
  23. LittleScoobyMaster

    New GV rant (just venting)

    ATI has had the TV wonder DVR for many years now. Not sure if they still make it or not: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16815306020&cm_re=ati_dvr-_-15-306-020-_-Product Most of them have been limited to only 1 channel however.
  24. LittleScoobyMaster

    Geovision V8.4 compatability

    Well I have 4 DVRs at a customer im finishing off .. 3 that are a couple years old, running 8.33 (think they originally had 8.30 on them). 1 New one .. I had problems with 8.33, probably was just a bad install, so removed that completely, then installed 8.4 which came with it. 8.4 was using 80-100% CPU usage on both cores using any of the 3 codecs. And this is a Pentium Dual Core 2.93 which Ive used before with 8.33 without issues (different mobo though as they change every week). So went back to 8..33 and its back down to 20-40% CPU .. still ALOT more than 8.12 which is like under 10% even on a slow P4! Geo is going BACKWARDs .. I mean if a 3 Ghz Dual Core CPU cant handle 8.4 then WOW. Then there is the thing with Remote View Log, its not serious but still rediculous, from 8.33 they removed the address book from the Connection window. Now you have to enter an IP or select an IP from the list if you connected previously (which is fine unless you have 4 DVRs and have to remember which IP is which), OR go over to one of the icons on the right then select the address book from there. I mean why make it harder though, makes no sense. I got a reply to my email regarding overlay not working for Geo video on win7, I explained it all to them, they got back to me about how to setup the DVR resolutions etc .. like I dont know that basic stuff already. After lines and lines of info on how to do what I already know and have done many times before, the last line asks me to send them a screen shot of the black borders .. I mean do all these issues only exist with NTSC?? Anyway .. im hardly going to worry anymore, not using them again. Hopefully, whatever mess they made of 8.4 gets resolved in a future revision. Geovision needs some serious competition, that much is certain.
  25. LittleScoobyMaster

    Windows 7 ultimate 32bit,

    Does Avermedia have the same problems as Geovision? I'm trying to determine if I should switch to them or not. Amazon carries them. http://www.amazon.com/Avermedia-NV5000-Capture-Surveillance-Software/product-reviews/B0009HND94/ref=dp_top_cm_cr_acr_txt?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1