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Everything posted by LittleScoobyMaster

  1. LittleScoobyMaster

    New GV rant (just venting)

    ATI (AMD) makes dvr cards, but they don't seem to get pirated. So if Geo made a 'nice' dvr card, it wouldn't get pirated as much?
  2. LittleScoobyMaster

    New GV rant (just venting)

    All this brings up a good question. What would it take for Geo to not be infested with their stupid piracy issues? What makes them so much different than say Nvidia or AMD when it comes to video cards? I don't see Nvidia or AMD worrying about people pirating their cards. Why is piracy so prevelant with Geo and when will it ever end?
  3. LittleScoobyMaster

    GV-650/800 V3.52 - On Windows 7

    I agree. That's how I feel about the whole situation whereby Geo makes you re-purchase their cards to run the latest Geo version. It shouldn't be like that. If I manufacture a brand new DVR, say, like Hauppauge, I would have to support the card with driver\software updates for many years afterwards, and most other mfg's do the same. With my Geo issue, I purchased the card 1 year, and a year later, I was not able to run the next point increase of the software. That should not happen. Geo glitches. Has Aver or anyone else released a comparable product to say the GV650 or GV800 line? Years ago, Geo was the only decent mfg around but I'm starting to wonder these days.
  4. LittleScoobyMaster

    Windows 7 ultimate 32bit,

    When I come across a client that has a superfast computer .. you will be the first to know Even one of the largest companies here I did some work for recently, they had some slow mini dells and IMB laptops even .. most others were using 5 year old celerons also. Now THAT was crazy .. they spend a fortune on other things .. but the computers .. nahhh .. I wasnt there to work on their computers though. It is a problem when people try to skimp on security related items, but at the same time, with Geo, it has always seemed that for what you get, the prices are higher than they should be. As an example, the GV600 and GV650 seem to be selling at the same prices they were many many years ago. Maybe there just isn't enough competition yet or something.
  5. LittleScoobyMaster

    Windows 7 ultimate 32bit,

    I could understand maybe for netbooks... But if I'm going to be putting together a new sandybridge 2600K build or something similar (as a workstation or DVR), no way would I put XP on that monster, because that would be.....insane.
  6. LittleScoobyMaster

    GV-650/800 V3.52 - On Windows 7

    Im not going to defend Geo .. im moving away from them now anyway .. at least for analog. Seems they might be devoting more resources into IP NVR stuff .. The video quality on the new cards just suck compared to what Ive used before ... couple years ago it was actually good .. now .. dont know if its the codecs or what .. but the quality is just not there anymore, makes good cameras look like rubbish. I placed a $150 Dahua DVR next to it, plugged the same cameras in and it was 5-10 times better quality .. and yes the software worked on Windows 7 unlike Geo's DMMultiview and Remote viewlog which although they did work, could not render the overlay so everything was blocked and horrid quality. I may have to check that out, especially if it can do 8 cams. I've used Geo for so long that I haven't re-evaluated what else is out there lately and need to start doing that.
  7. LittleScoobyMaster

    GV-650/800 V3.52 - On Windows 7

    Due to the Geo issues I have mentioned, this thought has crossed my mind. If Geo would just develop their software to work with the older revisions of the cards, I wouldn't consider switching, however, because they want people to re-purchase the same card over and over again, I have lost faith in Geovision and might switch.
  8. LittleScoobyMaster

    GV-650/800 V3.52 - On Windows 7

    Sometimes, when you upgrade your system, there are items from the previous system you will want to use on your new system. For instance, I had a nice Logitech Laser mouse that works fine. Why would I want to purchase a new one? Same with my LCD panel. It was replaced a year ago, and I have no reason to upgrade it with my PC. Same with my keyboard. Same with my video card. The same should be with my GEO card. I should not have to re-purchase the same GEO card to run on the new system, just as I shoudn't need to repurchase a new mouse, etc. This is a GEO flaw that has been around for a long time now.
  9. LittleScoobyMaster

    Windows 7 ultimate 32bit,

    That's just like Crazy Eddy. That's insane.
  10. LittleScoobyMaster

    Windows 7 ultimate 32bit,

    You mean, if you ordered a brand new 2600K \ GTX 470 system this weekend, that you would load it up with XP versus Windows 7? If so, that is insane:
  11. LittleScoobyMaster

    Windows 7 ultimate 32bit,

    Yep, and by that logic, you might as well load up Windows 3.1 and get 1.5 second boot times, with the limited functionality that 3.1 provides as well. There are reasons we aren't running Windows 3.1 anymore...
  12. LittleScoobyMaster

    Windows 7 ultimate 32bit,

    What are you smoking? Win7 owns XP. And if you still need to run XP for testing, just launch a virtual version of it that is included free with Win7. My Win7 boot time is under 6 seconds, granted, that is with a Vertex3 SSD, but SSD's are no-brainers these days when you need performance on your boot\cache drive. XP is on its way out, and rightfully so, it's a 10 year old OS that has already lived past its prime.
  13. LittleScoobyMaster

    Windows 7 ultimate 32bit,

    Negative. Windows 7 blows XP out of the water and GV needs to realize more people are making the switch, especially as people upgrade their old, outdated dvr systems. In fact, just last week it was announced that Windows7 just surpassed XP in terms of market share in the U.S. http://www.maximumpc.com/article/news/windows_7_market_share_us_passes_xp This means upgrading to Win7 is going to be more and more common for DVR systems, including Geo, so if there are any serious Win7 bugs or performance issues with the Geovision software, Geo is going to need to respond very soon and repair the issues as they relate to Windows 7. Quote from article: "The champagne corks must be popping at Redmond today. According to stat tracking group Pingdom, Windows 7 usage just passed Windows XP in the US. Of all operating systems, XP use is still at 31.56%, but Windows 7 has vaulted to 31.71%. It's about time. The data comes from aggregated visits to over 3 million websites, meaning that it offers a solid cross sample of machines. Usage of Windows 7 has been on a steep rise ever since the OS was debuted. A refreshing change from Vista, which never got close to XP's market share level. In many ways, this was inevitable. As old computers break down, people replace them with whatever is current. But we would wager that Windows 7 has also smoothed over many of the hurt feelings from Vista in general. The US joins other countries like the UK, Australia and France that have already hit this milestone. So, hands up if you're still on XP."
  14. LittleScoobyMaster

    GV-650/800 V3.52 - On Windows 7

    Try voicing your concerns at this website. Maybe if enough people repond, they might offer an upgrade path for your card that will allow you to run the Windows 7 version: http://www.usavisionsys.com/support/faq.php?category=26 I paid over $300 for my card a few years back, and I really want to be able to use it with Windows 7. I do NOT want to have to re-purchase the card just to run on Windows 7. That would not be fair at all.
  15. LittleScoobyMaster

    Geovision V8.4 compatability

    Hey Bob. I just sent an e-mail to the usavision website and hope to hear back soon. I have a GV600 ver. 3.0 card and I really want to run Geovision 8.4+ software on Win7. I hope there is an upgrade path as well, and if one exists, I hope it is reasonable. I would easily pay $50 to $75 to upgrade my ver. 3.0 card to one that can run ver 8.4+. If you find the price for the upgrade, be sure to post it. I'll do the same. I would think there would be a valid upgrade path for us because it would seem rather ridiculous if we have to re-purchase the very same card we already have just to be able to run 8.4.
  16. LittleScoobyMaster

    Geovision V8.4 compatability

    Looking at it closer I notice it is listed as 3.1. It was purchased several years back. I remember back then, the highest version I was supposed to be able to acheive was 7.x and that was with a USB dongle that was sent to me. What is odd, is that the chart above mentions I should only be able to go to version 6.x. I wonder if that is why when I attemped to even run 7.x, it had issues. Perhaps they should not even sent me the dongle.
  17. LittleScoobyMaster

    Geovision V8.4 compatability

    Thanks for the link. Do you know what you are supposed to do if you have a GV600 version 3.0 and want to run Geovision 8.4 software? Is there an upgrade path, or do we have to re-purchase the same card just to run 8.4? (in this case, a GV600).
  18. LittleScoobyMaster

    Geovision V8.4 compatability

    Just wondering if you have the doc that mentions v3.30 or higher? Is that in the d/l readme.txt or something? I have a version 3.0 card.
  19. LittleScoobyMaster

    Geovision V8.4 compatability

    Just wondering if you got this to work or not? I have a Geovision GV600 ver 3 I would like to get running on Windows 7.
  20. LittleScoobyMaster

    Geovision GV600 and Windows 7

    Hey everyone. I have a GV600 (hardware revision v3) that I would like to use with Windows 7. Any suggestions as whether or not it will work? thanks
  21. LittleScoobyMaster

    Workaround for Geovision underhanded tactics.

    So I have this GV600 that won't run 8.x Geovision software. It will only run up to 7.x. I've read that you can have multiple Geovision cards in the same system. Is this true? So what happens if I purchase a new GV800 that runs 8.x just fine? Since the 8.x software would be running for the GV800, what then happens if I pop in an older non 8.x GV600 into the same system? Would it be able to run on the 8.3 software, or would it still error out and not work? Just curious. I hate Geovision because of their crummy driver\software support.
  22. LittleScoobyMaster

    Software recommendations?

    Yep. I'm completely aware of that, however, 8.3 works with the iPhone, 7.x does not. For me to have to re-purchase the same card I already own, just to be able to run the latest software revision is ridiculous. I already own the legitimate hardware, and should be able to use the latest revision of the software. Ridiculous I say. And....who is to say I wouldn't go out and purchase the 8.3 card, and then 9.x comes out and I have to re-purchase the card again.. Ridiculous. So, there must be a way, for me to get 8.3 to work on my slightly older version of the card. This would never ever be allowed to occur with a regular video card. For instance, if this were an ATI or Nvidia DVR capture card, you could bet the latest versions of the Catalyst drivers and software suite would run with the card. They don't just drop support that quickly. It would be like if you had an ATI DVR and a year later, they released the same exact card with a new driver set and then stopped supporting the older hardware. They would not do that. You shouldn't have to re-purchase a piece of hardware you already own if there is absolutely nothing wrong with it save for the drivers\software to operate it. Imagine buying an ATI HD5850 one year, and the very next year, you are told you have to re-purchase it if you want to use the latest drivers that were released for the ATI HD5850. That would never happen with a reputible company such as ATI\Nvidia, and it should not be allowed to happen with Geovision.
  23. LittleScoobyMaster

    Software recommendations?

    After all this time has passed, you would think Geovision would just let the older cards work with the new 8.3 software. Does anyone happen to have any codes for Geovision software, or know of any hacks that allow you to run 8.3 on the older hardware revision cards? I fell like I have been ripped off by Geovision due to their ridiculous software upgrade strategy. ver 7.0 has many bugs and as a purchaser of the hardware, I should be allowed to run the latest version so the bugs can be fixed. There must be a workaround for this somewhere.
  24. LittleScoobyMaster

    GV600 v3 and Geovision 8.3

    Holy double dog moly. I really need to get this GV card working with 8.3x. Does anyone know of a way to do this? The way I see it, if Geovision doesn't support their own cards, we are left to use workarounds, etc. I need a workaround that will allow me to use 8.3x with a GV-600 v3 hardware. It must be possible since, this card is identical to the newer revisions (save the dongle checks, etc). Can someone help me out? I don't think it's fair I should have to re-purchase this GV-600 just so I can run the latest version of the software\drivers for this card. thanks
  25. LittleScoobyMaster

    GV600 v3 and Geovision 8.3

    I have an older Geovision (GV600 v3) card that has worked great for many years. Is there a *good* reason I can't run Geovision 8.3 on this card? I really would like to use my GV600 v3 with my iphone using the beta app. Thanks