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Everything posted by LittleScoobyMaster

  1. LittleScoobyMaster

    GV600 v3 and Geovision 8.3

    May be the case with 8.3 being slower, but there is always 8.4, 8.5, etc., etc. They have chances to rectify the software and make it right again, and just the fact that I own the card, I should be allowed to use the updates. Could you imagine if you purchased a regular DVR video card, like an ATI model for instance, and then ATI tried to charge you to re-purchase your video card, every time they released a point revision of the ATI Catalyst control center and device drivers? Nobody would stand for it. I think the only reason Geovision is getting away with this crime is because they are a much smaller company and not as well known, so they can employ these very deceptive practices without too many complaints.
  2. LittleScoobyMaster

    GV600 v3 and Geovision 8.3

    Exactly!!!! And, the consumer should not have to flip the bill for this, it stinks to high heaven and should not be allowed. I mean, let's say I fall victim to this Geovision scam, and I go out and re-purchase the same hardware I already own, and then, version 9.x comes out and it only works with another set of hardware revisions of the same card. You can see where I'm going with this. These older cards need to be able to work with the latest version of the software. Period. How Geovision gets away with this is unknown at the moment. I'm digging up more information about this fraud and I'm going to send it to the consumerist to see what they can do about it. http://consumerist.com/
  3. LittleScoobyMaster

    GV600 v3 and Geovision 8.3

    And the question is why not? I paid good money for the hardware, and the current hardware is identical in every way. Why should I be charged twice for the same hardware? It makes no sense that I should have to re-purchase the hardware I alread own.
  4. LittleScoobyMaster

    Geovision v8.3 DSP spot monitor and Iphone.

    CCTVlad. I know exactly what you mean. I have a very very similar problem to yours. I have a GV600 v3 card. It is able to run Geovision 7.x software, but not the newer 8.3 software that would allow my iPhone to connect to my GV600 unit. Very, very, very, very disapointed with this. I have contacted GV and they have not been any help. I find it very difficult to understand why GV still treats their loyal customers this way. I am thinking of writing an article and sending it to the Consumerist. http://consumerist.com/ When you purchase a piece of hardware like this, it should continue to be supported in the latest releases of the software. It is a very shady practice what Geovision is doing. My example is this. I own the GV600 8 cam card. In order for me to use the ver 8.33 of the software that works best with the iPhone, I have to now go here: http://www.amazon.com/GeoVision-GV-800-Camera-DVR-Card/dp/B0006FV2X8/ref=sr_1_6?tag=gpse-20&ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1268432191&sr=8-6 I then have to re-purchase the same card I already own! Just so I can use the GV600 with my iPhone. This is the most ridiculous crap I have ever heard of. There is no reason whatsoever we should be required to re-purchase our perfectly working hardware. I've taken very good care of my GV600 and it could last 10 years easily were it not for these idiotic software upgrades. So, if anyone has a workaround, please post it here or send me a PM. I have paid over $300 for this card and I should be able to run the most recent version of Geovision that fixes all the bugs that the previous versions contain. I understand the whole piracy issue to but I feel that is not an excuse, I think they need to work this issue out because it keeps happening again, and again. Everytime they release a new version of the software, it renders previous hardware obsolete, and we are entitled to these bug fixes, updates, they should be free. I'm sure there have to be more people in a similar situation. Imagine those who have purchased the GV-800's. They would have to respend hundreds more to re-purchase the hardware they own. Its not fair I say! I wish to say it one last time, in case Geovision is listening. This is not fair!
  5. LittleScoobyMaster

    Geo 8.2 Problems or opinions

    The more complaints the better I would imagine. I have sent several to Geovision but I fear they have gone into a void. My hope is that some day enough persons will send in the complaints and they will eventually redesign the method they use for combating piracy with the cards. I have read other posts on this forum regarding the very same issue so I know that I am not the only one who has run into the issue but my guess is Geovision just hasn't received enough complaints yet to justify a change in their procedures. Perhaps someday, if enough users run into the problem. It will be interesting to see what they do when they release 9.x versions of Geovision. I wonder if they will try the dongle route again at that time? Will be interesting to see.
  6. LittleScoobyMaster

    Geo 8.2 Problems or opinions

    While it is fortunate that you have 4k to spend on a surveillance system, many consumers do not have that amount to spend, hence the reason for the much lower priced Geovision cards like the GV-600. Perhaps you think it's fair that consumers should have to re-purchase the same hardware twice just so they can run the 8.x version, however, if all dvr companies thought that was normal, it would be very unfortunate. Imagine if you had to do the same thing everytime you wanted to upgrade your video card or printer software. You'd have to re-purchase the same card\printer multiple times. That just isn't a very fair business practice. Instead, this is a Geovision hack to deal with piracy, nothing more, and it is a business practice that they need to some day address so consumers don't continue to get ripped off by it. To use your analogy with an automobile, it would be like purchasing a new car one year, and then a year later, having to re-purchase the vehicle so you could upgrade the stereo, instead of just paying a small stereo upgrade fee, or having small issues with the stereo repaired. You could sell the car, getting less then you paid for it, and purchase the same exact model with a newer stereo, but the consumer should not have to do that. The Geovision you purchased, may have been for your business as you are a reseller. For home use a person may pay several hundred dollars for a piece of equipment that should last several years, at least 4 or 5, and being stuck on the original buggy software from the year of purchase is just wrong, for almost ANY kind of hardware. I still have a WinTV dvr by Hauppage that is even older than that and I never had to re-purchase the card to run the latest software that the company released for it. For a home consumer, having to re-purchase the same hardware, just to upgrade the software is just wrong, most people realize this, some do not. Dealers may be less likely to run into this type of issue as they sell so much hardware and probably could pawn the old cards off on others quite easily, home consumers have to find other avenues and usually won't recoup the costs. It's just how Geovision has been handling the piracy issue and until enough people point out the problems\issues with this policy, the longer it will take for Geovision to address them. Many companies will not do anything to correct issues until a very large percentage of the customers complain about the issues. Look how long it took Microsoft to admit they were selling junky 360's. It took years of consumer complaints to get MS to finally admit, and then fix the issues at hand with the 360. http://venturebeat.com/2008/09/05/xbox-360-defects-an-inside-history-of-microsofts-video-game-console-woes/ At least MS finally addressed the issues at hand, Geovision has yet to do the same with the Geovision software upgrade issue, and until enough people complain, this very poor software policy will remain in place. .
  7. LittleScoobyMaster

    How do i change the screen postion of Multiview ?

    And, if there is a way, does it allow you to change from 1 monitor to another on a multimonitor system?
  8. LittleScoobyMaster

    Cannot Move Geovision Window to Another Monitor

    I have this similar issue with the Geovision Web Remote application. I also own UltraMon and love it for everything except Geovision as it doesn't allow me the same functionality with Geovision that it allows me with every other single piece of software I have installed. When I browse to the server name within Internet explorer from another machine on the lan, it installed the Geovision multicam plugin for IE and it allows me to use Geovision on the primary monitor only, and does not allow for minimizing or moving the web remote app to another monitor for viewing, etc. I have had to deal with this for some time now in an older version of Geovision. Do you mean this is still an issue even in Geovision 8.x with the 8.x web remote viewer app? I was hoping it would have been resolved by now. I have a tri-panel setup and I often connect to the Geovision server via the Geovision Web MultiCam plugin and the main reason I don't use it that often is because of this very same limitation whereby it can only by on my primary monitor. Is there a program similar to the one mentioned above that works for the Web plugin, or is it only for the actual Geovision software that is running on the Geovision server? Once again, as with everyone else, the many many components of the Geovision software always cause this kind of confusion and GV doesn't really let you know which software pieces to use so you have to try them all out and see what works best for your particular situation, but as multi-monitor setups have become more prevalent, this issue\bug needs to get worked out. They allow the Standalone multiview app to be moved from 1 monitor to the other, but not the Web Remote Viewer, and since the web remote viewer has more features, it is the one I want to use more but can't because of this stuck on primary monitor bug. One trick I have done to get the web remote viewer on my rightmost monitor is to go into windows video card settings and make my rightmost monitor the primary (instead of the center one). This of course, is a hodgepodgy workaround because then all my primary apps and other things also open on my rightmost monitor which is not preferred.
  9. LittleScoobyMaster

    MultiCam Remote View tweaking

    Anyone know if there are any command lines to use with MultiCam Remote View, and if you can set the program to automatically launch a specified My Favorite connection so you don't have to Click on My Favorites and then select your favorite which then auto logs in? This is for version 6050.
  10. LittleScoobyMaster

    MultiCam Remote View tweaking

    Oh, do you mean you do that for the web based viewer? If so, I am referring to the non web based RemoteView. I have set up a favorite from inside the software and then launch the shortcut (similar to how a browser shortcut works, only slightly different becaise the non web client is only trying to emulate a browser style shortcut). I'm just trying to create a shortcut that skips out on having to select which geovision you have to select from the dropdowns and just launch a singal one. The logon credentials are already cached in the shortcut, but you still have to select which shortcut to launch from within RemoteView. I would think a command line would override that requirement but perhaps not. I am also curious as to if there are any command line options for the non web based Remote View application.
  11. LittleScoobyMaster

    Disappointed in Record Quality GV1240

    Just wondering how this turned out for you? The card you have is the one I drool over every day by viewing photos of it on the web but if it is as bad as you say, perhaps my drooling is misplaced.
  12. LittleScoobyMaster

    *UPDATED * Upgraded to version 8.1, NO Geovision works

    I second the motion for Geovision software installs. They should run much smoother indeed. They need to seriously tweak their installation mechanisms.
  13. LittleScoobyMaster

    Software recommendations?

    Indeed Matie!!! Arrrrgghhhhh!!! Try this link: http://www.remote-security.com/gvupdate.htm
  14. LittleScoobyMaster

    Software recommendations?

    Welcome to my hell....and also, welcome to the Geovision forums. I think you are now in the same boat as me, and it has a few holes in it. I have a Geovision GV-600-8 cams version (v3) hardware revision level. You will need the dongle to run the 7.x versions and you will not be able to run any of the 8.x versions. It's all due to the great copy protection schemes Geovision uses. I keep hoping they would change it so I could use the latest version of the Geovision software on my older v3 card, but I don't think that is going to happen anytime soon. It makes it really difficult for me to consider upgrading to a newer Geovision card as well because, I do not want to be stuck in this exact same predicament in the future. I really want to upgrade to say an 800 or greater but the software hoops are just too much. I usually like to squeeze every penny out of my hardware investments but this protection scheme makes it difficult to do so, unless you don't mind running much older software. You should be fine with 6050 though. I guess. Otherwise get the dongles for 7.x, but you won't be running 8.20, which sucks because 8.20 has many new features. This is the biggest downfall of Geovision in my opinion. Otherwise, I like Geovision quite a bit (I know, hard to tell isn't it?). It's a love \ hate relationship you could say. I love the cards, I love the software functionality, but I hate the software upgrade runaround circus that you have to play with Geovision cards. I keep getting told it's because of all the crazy pirates out there that Geovision decided on these copy protection schemes. I still think a better solution needs to be drawn up however. Damn pirates.....Arrrrrrgggghhhhh!!!!!! Wait! That wasn't loud enough. Let me say that again, only louder this time: AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Your stuck with the older software version there Matie!! This link may help you however: http://www.costumeshopper.com/prods/fm58323.html
  15. LittleScoobyMaster

    Geo 8.2 Problems or opinions

    My problem with 8.20 is that I don't think I can run it with my GV-600-8 v3 card due to the copy protection involved. Does anyone know if Geovision is planning to allow older hardware revisions of the card to be able to run 8.2? I really want to use some of the features of 8.2 on my GV-600 card. I feel cheated that I am not allowed to run this version as I paid a small chunk of change for this card, and most video cards, digitizing cards, computer hardware in general allows you to upgrade to the latest drivers \ software that are available. This has always been an issue with Geovision and I am wondering if it has changed yet?
  16. LittleScoobyMaster

    GV Video Server User Manual

    Easy to mix up the two as a Geovision card runs a type of video server software. Kinda strange name that they gave to the GV Video Server. I think they should have called it something else like a Super Analog to IP encoder unit or something. Dunno why the manual isn't in the normal places on the site. Weird.
  17. LittleScoobyMaster

    GV Video Server User Manual

    Can someone point me to it? Couldn't seem to locate it on Geovisions site. Thanks
  18. LittleScoobyMaster

    GV Video Server User Manual

    Thanks but this looks like the Geovision dvr card manual (mentions the Video Server settings on Page 296 but that's about all). Do you have a link to the manual that comes with the GV Video Server unit? The video server is an add-on peice that you can use with a GV dvr card: http://www.geovision.com.tw/english/product/GV-VideoServer.htm I think it just came out this year but I can't seem to locate the manual for it. Thanks again.
  19. LittleScoobyMaster

    Connecting to IP camera

    Cool. I can't wait for that to happen. I think that feature is long over due.
  20. LittleScoobyMaster

    What Motherboard? GIGABYTE GA-945PL-S3 or ???

    I think you'll like the P5L-MX. I picked one up and turned it into a media server \ home arcade system (MAME and other emu's). I originally was going to use the P5L-MX for the home surveillance server but I became hooked on some old school games and chose to do that one first but I want to order another P5L-MX to upgrade my GEO system with. I have to see if they will let me upgrade my GV-600 rev 3 to the ver 8 one but I don't know if they will. Has anyone had any luck with the trade in program? You'll have to let us know how you like the P5L-MX. I think it's pretty good, older ICH but it's more proven. It's hard to go wrong with ASUS.
  21. I just have a general question about how wireless interference is handled with wireless IP cameras versus wireless analog camera's. With analog wireless camera's, the video signal usually gets distorted and rolls, hops, etc. What happens when wireless interference is introduced to wireless IP cameras? Does the same thing happen, or do you just drop frames and gain pixelization, etc.? I haven't used any IP camera's yet and I am just curious. Thanks
  22. LittleScoobyMaster

    What Motherboard? GIGABYTE GA-945PL-S3 or ???

    Hey Rory, did you ever end up picking up a p5l-mx? If so, how did it work out? Any issues?
  23. LittleScoobyMaster

    Viewing cameras on pocket pc

    I want to use Gview V2 but my GV-600 8 cam only runs up to 7.x as I understand it. There was an upgrade available a while ago but my vendor never got back to me with pricing info. Does anyone know if a descent upgrade path still exists from a 7.x GV-600 v3.01 card to one that will run 8.x? The Geovision software updates have been the worst part of the Geovision experience in my opinion. First the chip upgrade, then the dongle, now you have to upgrade the card completely as I understand it, just to run the latest version of the software. Thankfully regular video card manufacturers don't do that. I realize it's because of piracy but I'm getting really sick of all the hardware updates to keep up with the latest versions of the Geovision software. Am I the only one in this situation? Anyone else who has gone through this, or know what options I have? Thanks
  24. LittleScoobyMaster

    What Motherboard? GIGABYTE GA-945PL-S3 or ???

    Hey Rory. Check out New Egg's website today, they just added the OEM version of the board you want to get. It's only $51. I'd post the link but I keep getting a posting error. Just go to New Egg's site and search for p5l, it will bring up the 3 boards (The MX retail, MX OEM, and VM).
  25. LittleScoobyMaster

    What Motherboard? GIGABYTE GA-945PL-S3 or ???

    Cool. You'll have to give us an update on how it goes. It's starting to look like the only advantage the VM has over the MX (besides the 5 stars) is the 1394 firewire support which I won't be using anyway so now I just have to decide between the P5L-MX and the P5GZ-MX since it seems like the VM extra $19 is just paying for the firewire I won't need (can anyone confirm there isn't much else the VM adds over the MX?). The only thing I don't like about the GZ is the reference in the specs: *Due to chipset limitation, Intel® Core™ 2 processors can only run at a maximum speed of 800 MHZ FSB on this motherboard. I heard this was addressed in a BIOS update but I haven't confirmed it. Collin, were you eyeing the P5GZ or did you just quickly pick that board because it met the specs that JT was looking for? Have you used the P5GZ before? What do you think between it and the P5L-MX? Both boards look very good and the price is almost exact ($10 difference maybe). Which do you think is better and why?