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Everything posted by aibudo

  1. As far as I know, it just won't work on IE11. I had an older DVR on my business and I wasn't able to access it any longer when I purchased a new laptop. Decided to replace it with a newer DVR and all is good.
  2. aibudo

    Lines across the screen? Help!

    Is that a regulated power adapter? Use a different type 12V supply and see if it changes. If it doesn't change, then I'd say "ground loop" issue.
  3. You didn't give us the model number of the DVR, so I just checked a manual for one of them. I do know that many people are having problems with the later versions of Internet Explorer. No only with DVR's but banking access systems, etc. Some of the Digimerge DVR's only work with IE 6, 7 and 8. Were you able to install the DVRemoteAx.cab (Your model might have a different file name) file ok? Dennis
  4. aibudo

    video out question

    If you purchased the unit on eBay and hopefully paid via PayPal, I would get a refund and start over. Didn't see where you stated what DVR make and model was either. This is a great forum and help is given when there is enough info presented. Sometimes there are times when no one has the "answer" that you would like to expect. I operate a store front service shop and even then there are issues that are hard to diagnose, let alone remotely from a forum. I monitor this forum and 3 others and many times there are issues or problems that are outside my expertise, so I don't respond. No one wants "unknowledgeable" answers to a problem. Dennis
  5. aibudo

    Unable to view remotely

    Have you confirmed that your ports are open, ie; canyouseeme.org
  6. I like to use these at times: http://www.ebay.com/itm/500-Black-Dual-Flex-Grip-Clips-with-Screw-RG6-RG59-Coax-Cable-/261218842348?ssPageName=ADME:L:OC:US:3160 Doesn't compress the cable at all. Dennis
  7. aibudo

    Setting Up DVR for remote viewing

    I think that you said that you are using two routers. Is that right? If that's the case, how are they connected? If not, then I don't know yet.
  8. aibudo

    Setting up for mobile viewing

    Sent you a PM. Dennis
  9. Did you try "admin" and no password?
  10. You posted this twice. Check the other post.
  11. aibudo

    Setting up for mobile viewing

    Just to settle my curiosity, temporarily change the HTTP port to 80 and try again. Do it both in the DVR and the router.
  12. aibudo

    Setting Up DVR for remote viewing

    If you're in the same network, then you're not "outside"!
  13. aibudo

    Setting Up DVR for remote viewing

    Don't know if I am not understanding your issue or not, but,,,,, When at your DVR location, use the address to access the DVR's. Outside of your location then use the DDNS address that you setup. If I misunderstood, I'm sorry.
  14. aibudo

    problem with remote viewing

    Have you contacted the manufacturer of one of the DVR's for help. You may be over your head with this. Is there any surveillance installers in your area to help you with this? If you have a separate modem and router, then that's where we'll start first. If I'm setting up more than one DVR, I "generally" use a switch connected to one port of the router and connect the DVR's to that. You didn't give us much info to work with. That said, as MindTwist said, you have to have setup different HTTP ports for each DVR. Before we can go any farther, you need to "static" set the LAN addresses for the DVR's and then port forward the ports for each DVR for those addresses in the router.
  15. aibudo


    That's funny. I'm sorry "Dogear", not to you I'm sure.
  16. aibudo

    DVR Networking problem

    You said that you set your static IP, but I just want to make sure that you have the right address's for the right places. There are two IP addresses that you need. The LAN address, which is your network address for the DVR and the one that you want to static for sure. What about your WAN address? Did you check your WAN address by going to "whatismyip.com"? That 's the address that you will need to access outside your LAN. That address can change over time, if your ISP decides to do so, unless you have a static address with them also. Your ISP can also block port 80 and give you an issue. Your ISP can also have security setup as such that you can't use your WAN address to access the DVR. Have run into that before and the ISP had to setup another WAN address just for the DVR itself to get through/around the router.
  17. aibudo

    Login Failed in iPad

    Got it. Replied. Thanks Dennis
  18. aibudo

    Login Failed in iPad

    DVR INTERNET UPLOAD SPEED BANDWIDTH REQUIREMENT FOR ANALOG CAMERAS Per each user, the minimum requirement for DVR to function minimally over Internet and over Cellular Data network is 512 Kbits/sec Upload speed for 4-channel system, 1 Mbits/sec Upload speed for 8-channel systems and 2 Mbits/sec Upload speed for 16-channel system. The faster the internet upload speed on DVR site, remote video on remote PC or on Cell phones will be better and smoother, because DVR is uploading more frames per second. Note: If the DVR site internet does not meet the minimum internet upload speed requirement, the remote receiving video will be slow and choppy. User may even experience loss of connection and/or all channels may not load. The above is recommended minimums and I feel better at doubling those requirements.
  19. aibudo

    Help selecting a bullet camera.

    raptor, Sent you a PM
  20. aibudo

    L-shape retail store CCTV layout?

    I really don't like to advise "long distance", but if you were thinking about installing camera's in the long view of any of those area's, I wouldn't use 3.xmm lens. You are going to see way too much "wall". At least try to find a stock 6.xx. That will give you a view angle of apx 60 degree instead of much wider. 6.xx will also give you a better closeup of those small areas. If you can afford it, then go with a vari-focal of 2.xx to 12.xx and adjust to your preference. Now, like I say, I don't like to advise as there are as many opinions as there are leaves on a tree in my yard.
  21. aibudo

    ie 11 Problems

    Haven't run into this yet myself, but glad that you guys posted this info as I'm sure it will save me some grief in the future. Dennis
  22. aibudo

    1 camera rule them all.

    T-connectors are a no-no. Just don't work well. Use a video distributor instead.
  23. aibudo

    Identify this connector

    I agree. Replaced and installed a lot of them back in the old CB radio days.
  24. Not that I can help, but take the cover off, unplug the hard-drive and see if there is a change with powering up.
  25. aibudo

    Login Failed in iPad

    Not that I can help, but what "browser" are you using within the iPad to access the DVR?