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Everything posted by SunnyKim

  1. Hmmm. I will see how it develops.
  2. SunnyKim

    WBox software on PC

    With your current DVR system, you can not get the Live Realtime No Delayed Spot Monitoring Video. You may buy PC based DVR; http://www.vivako.com/html/product.html?catcode=100000000
  3. SunnyKim

    Best Home CCTV System

    For home applications, buy the cheaper ones, because you are the one who would install and manage them. HikVison's should be OK. But Not OK reachable by any calls for tech service. So, not much meaning for Brands.
  4. SunnyKim

    found it!?

    Listen to yout wife. Buy a stand alone DVR and analog HD cameras for simple maintenance, which is absolutely your job, no doubt.
  5. By now, every DVR could serve your needs. Buy the cheapest one on the market. Seemingly you are new to this field, go for coaxial side i/o network kind of things, for easy maintenance. Straight forwardly simple, coaxial.
  6. PC based DVR or PC based NVR could put your company logo as an OSD when being displayed.
  7. SunnyKim

    ANPR Software - Open Source

    uk-101, I would appreciate if you kindly let me know when you would get it successfully done. I am quite interested in, keeping my fingers crossed.
  8. Have a think about that sunnykim Please allow me to add a bit more. Probably by default, the reference frame distance might be set as one at the IP camera side and you can reconstruct (decode/decompress) the current video frame by the previous frame on your NVR side. The chipset in your NVR may be able to decode/reconstrcut faster than 120 FPS(frames per second) for fast forwarding 4X times. But most display is designed for 60 FPS. The software on your NVR might not be tested, I guess. And it could not be easy to decode 120FPS but skipping every other frames for 60 FPS display. For the reference frame by four, every 4th frame is to be used as a reference frame for encoding 1,2,3, and 4th frames. Then only 4 th frames need to be decoded and reconstructed, skipping 1,2,3rd frames at the NVR side. Thus 8 and 16 fast forwarding can be achieved without clocking much faster.
  9. Distance of less than 200 meters and Not much knowledge about CCTV sytem, then simply go for Analog HD cameras (HD-TVI, AHD, or HD-CVI) and a DVR with a qualified cabling.
  10. Please check on your camera setting whether you can possibly set the Reference Frame Distance by 4 frames, if you like to fast forward 4X. Only 4th frames and Intracoded frames are to be decoded and displayed, skipping 1,2,3rd frames.
  11. SunnyKim

    Upgrading or replacing fibre/coax system

    You may check with vivako.com. The NDVR solution for all types of cameras suggests a way to future transition to IP cameras.
  12. SunnyKim

    Upgrading or replacing fibre/coax system

    You may check with http://www.vivako.com/html/product.html?catcode=100000000
  13. It could be a diode that drains out electrical surge in order to protect the card from lightening.
  14. SunnyKim


    You may check the following. Losing Video Sync Signal or Getting Noise and Distortion, 1. The distance from camera to DVR Over 100 meter on a poor quality coax cable? 2. Power Supply is sufficient for IR and Good Groundings for each camera.
  15. SunnyKim

    Live view 2-3 seconds behind

    The lagging delay is unavoidable for all IP cameras and NVR for CCTV applications. IP cameras are to buffer the compressed bit streams sufficient enough, before sending them over the network. To the displaying side of NVR, the processor keeps buffering enough compressed bit stream, before starting de-compression and dislaying the reconstructed video. These bufferings are to smoothen out any chances of jamming or jerks of network traffic or video display. There could be provided with user controlling parameters for both camera and NVR side. You may ask the manufacturer.
  16. SunnyKim

    AHD Camera into GV-1240 card

    You need to buy a new card supporting Analog HD cameras (HD-TVI, CVI, AHD) You may check into https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Korean-VIVAKO-4CH-1080P-All-Hybrid_50038451693.html?spm=a2700.7724838.2017115.92.9709502f6IjESj
  17. That's easy to answer ...... IP is cheaper and more reliable and upgradable and cost less to install. Analog would just be a waste of money and like you have said PC or server is also needed which is we're the cost is I meant regular cameras to be analog HD (TVI,CVI,AHD), HD-SDI, EX-SDI, conventional analog cameras, and IP cameras, all of which do not carry LPR functions themself. LPR is supposed to be done by PC or server for multiple cameras. If VMS is employed, PC must be there for system integration.
  18. I have the same question. LPR enabled IP cameras could be much more expensive than regular cameras. We could have much wider selection, in case we could go for regular cameras. Highly performing LPR algorithms can run on a PC or server for many numbers of cameras. Which one we can save more money in total system cost??? Any one can give the answer???
  19. SunnyKim

    New cameras are not working but I believe compatable

    AHD cameras can output analog (NTSC, PAL) signals for your analog DVR. But you need to buy analog HD DVR(AHD, TVI, or CVI) for your AHD camera.
  20. SunnyKim


    No sound noise can tell the fan is broken, warning you the high chances of overheating and fire.
  21. SunnyKim

    connect CCTV camera to PC

    Go to alibaba.com and find "PCIE Video Capture Card for analog camera" Its price should be around U$20
  22. SunnyKim

    Need a new DVR

    New Analog HD DVRs are supposed to support camera types of HD-TVI, HD-CVI, AHD, and even NTSC, or PAL types of analog cameras.
  23. SunnyKim

    Lagless Live View Camera/System For CNC Machines

    There must be devices exsiting for your application. If it was designed specially for such application, it could be expensive. As an alternative, you can use analog camera and DVR. Or you can go for analog HD cameras (hDCVI, TVI, AHD) and analog HD DVR. They can give you 2 frame delay as minimum delay. That's 66 mili seconds for two frame delay. You should not go for IP cameras and NVR systems. These procedures take delays for compression and decompression and network bufferings, impossible to control those parameters.
  24. SunnyKim

    TVI capture card

    Now they do exist and becomes available. Please leave me your message in my meassge box if you like to know more.
  25. SunnyKim

    TVI capture card

    Scott, Can you please tell where you can buy TVI capture cards?