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Everything posted by SunnyKim

  1. SunnyKim

    Help with an old CCTV unit

    The DVDR and No VGA may indicate the DVR is old. The video resolution may be limited to CIF with a reduced frame rate. New ones could be less U$50, on internet. You can watch the video on internet or smart phone. Buy a new one and save time and trouble.
  2. In less than 100 meters, Analog HD (HD-CVI, -TVI, -AHD) could give you better video quality because it can provide you the video before compression, as preview monitoring. Meanwhile, IP camera sends the compressed video file to NVR. To be displayed on monitors, the video file is to be de-compressed. You may notice compression artifacts on video quality when the video data is to be compressed too much.
  3. SunnyKim

    Camera far from DVR about 300m

    Most of analog DVR systems can work with analog cameras around 300 meteres away. But not working on bad / cheap cables, you may put the conventional repeaters. Before deploying, it is important to test out your analog DVR box on the cable bundle that you are to install.
  4. SunnyKim

    Samsung SSC-21 Cameras

    Please check/google out TVL leads to be Horizontal Resolution, Not Vertical Resolution. There is No Cif cameras in the world. All analog cameras that output PAL or NTSC signal should be decoded as D1 sized or WD1 sized at the receiving end of DVR, just as Color TV receivers do. In old days, but not long ago, they used to scale down D1 video to CIF, as the processing power for compression was not sufficient or HDD was expensive.
  5. SunnyKim

    Samsung SSC-21 Cameras

    That sounds an old camera. But survived more than 15 years. Note that the TVL does not matter much with analog cameras. The signal can be digitized to D1 or WD1 at the end of DVR side. And the signal from analog cameras (NTSC or PAL) can decoded at long distance without much difficulty. Better put a local power supply to a remote camera.
  6. If you can not get help from GeoVision, buy a new card at amazon or ebay. They provide you software that enables you to watch the videos on your smart phone or internet. The cost should be less U$40, at most.
  7. SunnyKim

    What to buy??? HELP!

    For home application, you may go for HD-AHD or HD-TVI system. These are much much cheaper than IP system.
  8. SunnyKim

    is there ahd rf modulator

    Your TV would not play (recognize) AHD-modulated signal. But it can play back CVBS (PAL/NTSC). You can plug the CVBS output of your AHD-DVR into your TV.
  9. Simply to charge more dollars.... That's all business. You have to weigh " a bit more pixels of a object" or "probable less frame rate" against your dollar. 4MP is newer than 3MP, which is newer than 2MP (full HD). Most people usually believe that the quality should be better in a newer product. But Mostly Not. And most people do not know the image sensor of 10 MP can be used for 8MP/6MP/5MP/4MP/3MP/2MP, even 1 MP(720P) cameras. In this case, the night (low lighted) performance of 720P is a lot better than that of 10MP.
  10. SunnyKim

    Analog camera to IP converter

    Buy a cheap analog DVR that outputs the compressed bit stream through its network port.
  11. If your DVR is to blame, check out the DVR allow you to feed sub-stream, not main stream video file, for your remote viewing. It usually takes 1 Mbps for your mainstream for compressing 1 Channel 960H video.
  12. SunnyKim

    CCTV Equipment Required

    Simply because the guys do not like Bosch
  13. The DVR board may have a loose contact at the input inteface. Just switch the input port of the DVR for the camera. Or if the cable length from camera is too long over 200 meter, you are likely to have distorted video.
  14. Time to retire the cameras. They have worked so hard without any rest or being paid.
  15. SunnyKim

    Swann "video signal loss"

    Can you see the recorded video from the camera without any problem? Then the DVR system went wrong. Put it back into original configuration-register setting for checking out again. Still in trouble? Then buy a new DVR, which is cheap already less than U$40, for 8 Ch X 960H DVRs on the internet.
  16. Leave the camera ON and other 15 cameras OFF, see what happens.
  17. When adding HD-AHD cameras, please check and test out the cable length that HD -Cameras can go without getting their video quality poor. 720P cameras can go further than 1080P.
  18. SunnyKim

    Upgrade to HDSDI/HDCVI

    The composite video means simply the video quality from analog cameras(VGA resolution, at most). If once converted to a composite video for BNC cabling, then No need to go for 1080P, HD-SDI, HD -analog, or whatever, as the HD resolution and quality would be all gone. Use HDMI output from your new HD DVR, and find HDMI extendors for hooking into a remote TV or monitor. Or the DVR can output the compressed video stream through its network port. Hook the stream to the NVR to display videos on the remote monitor
  19. As to a standalone NVR, I do not think there could be any differences(meaning) between Single Core and Dual Core CPU embedded in its chipset on the board of NVR box. Just a marketing gimmick. For home applications, I would go for 720P or less resolution, whether it could be IP camera system or HD-Analog system. 1080P could be too much for a back end processing, say CPU power, HDD size, heats, more expensive, and so on.
  20. Wow 3,800 TVL???. I do not think it meaningful for HD Cameras. If they are HD-Analog cameras, the selection of the DVR should be matched with the cameras (either one of these HD-CVI, HD-TVI, HD-AHD)
  21. SunnyKim


    You are correct. I was wrong. SDI cameras can be viewed and recorded with a SDI-DVR. Not necessarily to be the same brand. But you may check the video size whether 720P or 1080P, because DVRs are hardware limited to the Processing Power of a chipsets which are Fixed on the board.
  22. Enough with your nonsense this unit can spot view all 32 channels.. No need need for them to me on 4mp as the screen cannot support anything close to that.. You keep lying about this Stop it. You keep lying about this Stop it.
  23. The standalone NVR for IP system could be limited to display Max 4 Channels of camera, not 16 Ch or 32 Ch videos for a spot -preview monitoring. If spot viewing is important, look for other solutions: 4MP X 32 Ch could be too much-overloaded for PC based NVR or stand alone NVR. You may consider 720P IP Cameras and Software PC Based NVR.
  24. SunnyKim


    It is true that HD-SDI system offers the best quality video for Preview & Spot-Monitoring, simply because the videos are not compressed, as originally captured. But rather expensive than HD-analog system(HD-CVI, HD-TVI, and HD-AHD). Of course, you have to buy HD-SDI cameras and HD-SDI DVR. Both in the same brands.
  25. SunnyKim

    video day vs. night, please help

    If I add to above, "please do not expect too much in the night". Cheap Commercial CMOS sensors do not meet your expectation on Low Light Performance. But good news is that they keep improving it. I think 720P and 1080P have improved to some extent, in the night performance.