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  1. ludwig-von

    IP Camera - help and advice needed

    Thanks Kawboy12R. I might consider PoE but I'm not certain it's necessary, I'll see what advice on camera's I get. The camera doesn't have to work through windows, to be honest, the amount of security I have on the cabin it's unlikely they'll get into it but if they do I want to get footage of them tea leafing my stuff. I may get an external camera as well but I don't want to go too mad.
  2. Hi, So, I am brand new to this, I have done a bunch of research but frankly the amount of choice and advice is pretty overwhelming so I'm hoping to get some advice in layman's terms. In short, I need a couple of IP cameras that will be situated inside an outbuilding in my garden. I may add a couple of extra cameras inside the main property at a later date. I guess wireless is the best way to go although boosting my wireless signal from my house will need to be considered. I am definitely looking for night recording, motion detector and SMS alerts. PTZ is optional, I'm happy to compromise to keep the cost down. I have the option of hardwiring the camera's for power in the outbuilding (hardwiring power won't be an option in the house but running a power cable discreetly will be achievable), POE might be an option but I don't really understand how that works, i.e. where does the ethernet cable run from (does it come directly out of my router? If so hardwiring is probably an easier option as that is readily available otherwise I'd have to run 60+ meters of ethernet cabling outside). I presume I need some kind of NAS, I've heard good things about Synology and they are compatible with a range of cameras. Any advice on: what are the best options for camera that meets my requirements in the £100 price range? Do I need NAS? what are the best options for NAS in the £200 price range? Anything else I might need to know\take into consideration Clearly ease of use and set up is pretty critical as I'm not exactly what you would call an expert on these matters Thanks in advance for your help Dave