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  1. Hi there, I would need to design a solar system for one PTZ camera and *perhaps* a Nanostation. (Perhaps, because I *seem* (there was no rain) to have signal to the camera from the original Nanostation AP without the need for another Nanostation near it.) The PTZ camera is a small, no fuss (ie cheap) Dericam model (see EBay). This is not a high security application but rather the ability for me to see what goes on on that area occasionally - including passing cows - lol without the need to go and download images of a hunting cam (I know they now have mob phone capabilities too but still). Using a powerpoint plug-in power meter (mains adapter) it seems the camera draws only 4.2 Watts at 240AC. Not sure how much it draws when it Pans Zooms etc but let's say 10W max - but this will be for short periods during a day (and not at all some days). The plugpack is only 12V 0.75A. Now - I can see all kinds of solar panels - 80W to 200-W or higher. I have no idea what I need power-wise and also what components - panel, MPPT controller, SLA battery....? I do not want to spend a lot of money and if the cam is offline sometimes (due to eg SLA batt being flat) thats Ok The NanoStation wants 24V (12W I am told) and the camera uses 12V. What would I need for a camera only, and what woudl I need for cam + station? Budget stuff only...Eg I have a solar opener for the gate and very happy with it, it makes do with a 12V 9Ah SLA and a 20Watt panel and runs the actuator, remote and even a SIM card relay. In that location I will have good sun as there is a 110KV line nearby so no trees. Can you suggest a package of some sort, even sourced off EBay? Many thanks