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  1. You have to make sure that you supply an ip address for your system and have the subnet ip's plugged in as well. Also you will have to make sure that you put the port information in the network setup area for your dvr as well and forward any and all necessary ports. Once you do all of that, you should be able to log in to the IP address from the web or use the software that came with system to view your cameras. As for the phone I use, "TMEye Pro" to view my system.
  2. My model # is the 8-4600. I used the default mobile port that it came with which was 8888. As far as the app goes, this is the only one that I have tried based on some of the posts that I had seen and it worked with no issues so I just continued using it.
  3. I am not sure of the model # of mine off hand, but I downloaded the TMEyepro app onto my phone and have been using that to view my system on my network. Even without forwarding any ports I just had to put my DVR IP address, the mobile port, user name and password into the app and was able to view my system with no problems while on my own network. I hope that this works for you.
  4. Well I think my issue is finally fixed! I actually had to call my ISP and they talked me through on how to set their modem to "bridged mode". Soon as I did that and forwarded the ports that my system needs I was able to goto a web page and type in the ip for my dvr and log in. Now, my next big test will be to get onto another network, either wired or wireless, so that I can confirm or deny my claims, lol. But I would like to thank everyone for their input and also remind you that you can be doing everything right, just to find out it wasn't your fault. " title="Applause" /> Thanks again. I will still continue to monitor these posts because it is was very helpful!!
  5. Ok, I think that I may need to clear up some confusion from my original post. I have the Sunluxy DVR system. I also have a D-Link DIR-601 Wireless Router. I can currently view my system from my phone and my computer as long as I am in my home and connected to my home network(wireless). What I am trying to do is be able to view my system when I am away from the house. i have gone to D-Links' website and have done the port forwarding and still have no success. I have even looked online where people have posted videos on how to do this and the only problem that I continually run into is when I go to the canuseeme.org site in order to check the ports, I get the same error message saying that it couldn't see me. This seems to be the area where the problem is at. Not sure if there is something else that I need to do when forwarding the ports, but like I said I even went to D-Link's site and verified what I had done and it still doesn't seem to be working. Is there anyone out there that has had success in doing thisor am I just mistaken and this system cannot even do it. Thanks.
  6. So you say that you can access your dvr when you are away from your home? If so how did you go about doing so, because I can only do mine when I am at home on my own network. Thanks in advance.
  7. I may have missed something here. Can't find where you posted this issue before. Is this a new post? I take for granted when you say that you can access it on your computer, that you are referring to being connected in your Network direct to the router. Also, if you can access it on your phone, then the right port for that is forwarded in the router for remote access. If you are unable to access it on the internet, via a browser, what do you get when you attempt it? Do you get a "login" page or "Page Not Froud" or something similar? I would expect, since you are able to access it on your phone, that you are receiving a "login" page, but no video. If that's the case, then probably, you don't have the correct port forwarded in the router. Just shooting in the dark here, to this point. Then again, I'm old and may not be making any sense. Dennis This is a new post. I am able to access my DVR only from my home when I am connected to my wireless. I have done the port forwarding, with no luck. I am going to try it again in the next day or so. When I forwarded the ports and tried logging in utilizing my AT&T wireless connection that I use while I am on business, I get nothing. I have been trying all different kinds of ways. I even looked on youtube where there were videos to walk thru the whole thing and still no success. I don't know if I am just doing something wrong or what. I have never encountered this type of problems when it comes to computer issues.
  8. Hello everyone! I have recently purchased and installed my system. I finally got it working so that I can access my DVR from my computer and cell phone. Now I have been attempting, with no luck, to be able to view my system away from home. Has anyone tried this or had any luck doing this? If so, you can you please help me out. I have a DLink router, if that will help. Thanks in advance.