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  1. I recently (earlier today, actually) finished integrating a Ruby Supersystem register into a new DVR build for a customer without the box. I suppose I could have passed the cost down to the customer and bought the box, however, their last system (Magic Radar) didn't need anything extra. Sometimes it's not so easy to sell a new "better" system to a customer, and then explain that a basic feature isn't built in as it was on their old, "crappy" system... Anyways, it was not difficult. A Cat5 splitter intercepting the printer output going to a RJ45 --> DB9 adapter. RJ45 Pin #1 goes to DB9 Pin #2, RJ45 Pin #6 goes to DB9 Pin #5. That's about it. Configure the COM port for 9600/8/N/1 and POS pops right up. Glad I didn't waste the money (did have to pickup a serial card, much cheaper of course). You don't even need a splitter per say, just make a short Cat5 cable with a male and female end. Plug the male into the printer, and the female into the existing printer cable. Only, when you wire the female keystone, extend the wires from pin #1 & 6 out and into your DB9 adapter. When I go back I'll take a picture if anybody's interested.
  2. Hi, had a couple basic(ish) questions regarding a possible wireless cctv security installation. The site would be a hospital, and the system would be mobile; place the camera in current trouble spots and set up the dvr/receiver nearby in a secure room. A camera was purchased and tested prior to my involvement in this, operating around 900MHz with a 100mw output. It's not providing the range at this power level, so I've been asked to investigate options. Now for the questions. Does anybody have knowledge regarding RFI and common hospital/patient care equipment? I'm assuming 2.4Ghz is out of the question due to the large number of wireless access points utilized. If 900MHz has been used successfully, is there a recommended limit to the output power to go with it? My gut feeling tells me to consult bio-medical engineering and go over equipment, and test if necessary. However, the people who purchased the camera equipment didn't expect these questions to come up and didn't want many people to have knowledge about it, so I guess I really want to know whether or not to pull the plug on the project. The bottom line is that I'm not going to be held accountable for interference problems with patient care equipment. I've heard about other hospitals using wireless cctv, but all I can find is FCC regulations regarding wireless medical telemetry operating at 608-614, 1395-1400, & 1429-1432 MHz. I know 902-928, 2400-2500, & 5725-5875 MHz are ISM frequencies, but I'm unaware of the RFI possibilities in this setting, and I don't want to find out the hard way. Thanks for any help/ideas, Dave