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Everything posted by humza001

  1. Hi i have a sun luxy DVR... i can connect to it remotly via webpage but i cannot access it with my mobile... i have downloaded the app (vMeye and Meye) and put all the details in (client port etc...) but when i open the app and try to connect to the dvr remotely i get buffering and then no responce when i try to connect... any help would be greatly appreciated thanks
  2. hi i have a sun luxy DVR... i can connect to it remotly via webpage but i cannot access it with my mobile... i have downloaded the app and put all the details in client port etc.. but when i open the app and try to connect to the dvr remotly i get buffering and then no responce when i try to connect... in your post you said you have connected to it via mobile, please could you tell me the settings you have on your dvr any help would be greatly appreciated thanks