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  1. sloman

    CCTV company DVR viewing

    Hilarious. I don't need to explain myself to you. I edited it because you took it the wrong way and jumped to conclusions. I was ghnna make another post better explaining it. And I bet my company is bigger than yours if you even have one
  2. sloman

    CCTV company DVR viewing

    Tomcctv why are u such a jerkoff you have no idea why I want to do it so dont jump to conclusions. If u have nothing helpful to say then take a walk
  3. sloman

    Hacking into DVR

    Hello can anybody tell me if its possible to hack into my digital wAtchdog dvr's webserver? I want to get source codes and customize some scripts? Any information will be helpful and greatly appreciated!!
  4. How can I make customers view cameras through my site?