To ryugatez
Ip cameras are easy to install. The NVR has an auto configuration tool built into the software that allos you to configure the cameras. You can also pre configure them on a laptop. The default IP addreaa is make sure your laptop os in the same range of the camera. Make it etc.
As for the wireless transmission I would use the Ubiquiti product. The Nano station 5 works great. I have one in place that goes 1000' across a warehouse. What you do is install the one unit at the main building and the other on the remote out building. YOU MUST HAVE LINE OF SITE. Once in place you can stream the camera from the remote location back to the main. You can go up to 5 miles line of site with this unit. If you put a switch in and tie it to the nano 5 you could stream up to at least two more cameras back to the main location.
Hope this helps.