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Everything posted by rory

  1. rory

    Cpu usage drops to zero

    Remember this thread? viewtopic.php?f=36&t=22300
  2. rory

    Outdoor D/N IR Bullet for wildlife viewing

    Good question. Its 511x492 pixels recording at 704x480 pixels? Stretches pixels? Still better than lowering it down to 352x240 pixels?
  3. rory

    Outdoor D/N IR Bullet for wildlife viewing

    Get something with a 5-50mm lens. Perhaps better off with a TDN box camera, 5-50mm IR lens, and a housing with a heater. Then use separate IR.
  4. rory

    Remove paint from camera glass

    If its polycarbonate, I wouldnt suggest scraping it, even finger prints can scratch them. Could try White Vinegar though, leave it on for a couple hours or at least as long as you can. If its glass, go all out.
  5. its almost believable .. until one reads the requirements
  6. Example: "What fonts Linux users (in all their diversity) have depends on a lot of factors, including their particular flavor of operating system, desktop environment, their own interest in expanding their font collections, and so forth. Most non-designer Linux users tend to have a somewhat motley group of fonts at their disposal. When Web designers consider their Linux users’ needs at all, they commonly assume that Linux users have access to the same core fonts that Windows users have, and that a font stack designed for Windows users covers their Linux users, also. This is not the case. But Linux users expect and deserve more than the short shrift provided by these core fonts — which were never designed for their systems in the first place, and which many hard-core Linux users refuse to use. As you can imagine, it has to be quite frustrating for them to have the spiffy, Linux-centered fonts and have only a very few Web sites make use of them." http://sixrevisions.com/web_design/a-web-designers-guide-to-linux-fonts/ Ive tested at least 20 default installs of different linux flavours and most webpages are all in times new roman, so thats why I mentioned the fonts issue
  7. Now it seems we get to the bottom of this Mobotix issue, you now suggest you have been running the program in WINE? Well as WINE themselves will admit there can be issues with their virtualized application environment, and my testing of dozens of software within WINE on MAC and Linux also proves this to be true, even though some have run fine, most always have at least one issue, or more - CCTV related apps being the most common to have issues generally related to video and framerate. If you tested outside of WINE and still experienced the same issues then ignore this post. If you havent tested on a Windows PC I would suggest trying that before concluding that the product is rubbish. After all the Windows PC should not be used for surfing pwn and downloading EXEs and unless you are the NSA or the CIA I dont think you have anything to worry about.
  8. Thats hilarious, since there is total freedom from copyright here in our country, in fact there are pirate DVDs for sale on every single corner and outside the foodstores, the local video stores sell mostly pirated DVDs, any major software program can be had for a couple dollars (not saying its right though), and ofcourse one can simply watch whatever commercial free shows or movies they want on popular HD websites. And did i mention, we can drink and drive, LEGALLY, there is no law against it, WOW imagine that, such freedom. Also, we can walk down the street with a bottle of beer in our hand in the middle of town, or cross the road anywhere we like, we can even run the red light after 12am .. wow imagine that, more freedom than the US, and then ofcourse, we have no income tax or VAT. Really you need to pick your arguments a little better, if anyone has less freedoms relative to law and such, its definately you guys over there, here we are free to do almost whatever we want.
  9. Well your a user, Im a programmer, you figure out who the lazy and stupid one is. As for Americans, you will have to take that fight up with *cough* an American
  10. Most Windows users are simply that, users, they want to be able to do what they want without calling for tech support, most dont know any different, many are computer illiterate other than facebook and msn. Imagine as a tech when you setup a PC for someone and make them a user, anytime they want to download something like Yahoo IM or MSN IM or Skype they will be calling you .. non stop .. and like Linux users ... most dont want to pay for the service .. So what do the techs do? Set them up as admin accounts obviously ... hey give them a recovery CD or USB or SDcard so if they get infected their cheap backsides can simply recover the OS back in 5-10 minutes .. simple enough, thats alot more than HP and Dell give their clients now, other than preloading the computers with a bunch of rubbish the end user never uses and which just bogs it down. Ofcourse what about their data, their address book, contacts, etc .. sure that can get infected also .. or stolen .. used for spam etc .. but if you know you are dealing with someone that wont listen to the part about not downloading anything THEN set them up as a user or continue to get paid cleaning up their PC. I tried switching the basic type of users to Linux before, all they do is complain .. it cant do this cant do that . this is different .. yada yada yada .. its not worth the hassle .. *btw have you tried google's chrome OS?* if they listen to you and dont use IE (nor firefox now) and dont go downloading games and just any exe from unknown websites, and follow other mostly simple guidelines, then they wont have to call you ... even if they do all the wrong things at the least many of the malware apps will fail once the Windows computer is setup properly and not left to defaults - yes by default Windows is unsecure, thats a given. Many here build DVRs based on Windows, we have for years, some longer than others, but ofcourse these arent browsing the web downloading pwn and games and free screen savers .. but none the less we secure the crap out of them .. so if something does get through, not much it can do anyway. After all the DVR is only meant to run what we build it to run. I have a 600 mhz celeron EEE PC that came loaded with a form of linux by Asus, had XP Pro setup on first power up .. boots to desktop under 10 seconds, and I can watch video from multiple IP cameras and DVRs in a 64 way view, as well as the basic user stuff like office and browsing the web, checking email, and skype .. no anti virus, never got any malware, and have an SD card inside for 5 minute recovery using a customized DriveSnapshot restore should I ever do get infected .. which is unlikely anyway as I only have 8 services running with most others removed or disabled, no IE besides the core, and many other hardly ever used features removed prior to install .. using Nlite. The day when I can download and play WMVs and pretty much any movie type, stream Divx, watch 64 cameras from multiple DVRs and IP cameras, have every font I use now (um whats with fonts in linux??), and like it or not but login automatically as an admin .. oh yeah have all the device drivers for the various video cards ... have better support for EXEs than WINE does now and not have to run a virtual PC ... not to mention use my favourite programming and scripting language (perhaps pushing it) ... then I might look at linux as something to work on .. but right now its still XP .. thats slowly going to change ofcourse. As for the code, sudo this and that, thats small things, I write thousands of lines of code a day now as it is. But regardless of all that, most linux users KNOW they are using an OS that is not as supported so it should be a given that as with most other software I am sure as POWER users they have tried, there are bound to be errors and full support would ofcourse generally be for Windows .. and if they need tips securing their Windows computer they just have to ask nicely.
  11. Most services are hardly obvious to the average user, they will never see it unless they go looking through the long list of services in the registry, its not listed in the typical services list under admin tools. Device driver, dont need to have the device for this, this is how many antivirus and other apps work, you create your own hidden driver then you have total power as both a user and admin.
  12. Its not about what we advise someone else, its about what WE do .. as a programmer i download unknown activeX controls, exe's, all kinds of code, to test .. thats what I do .. i can fix any problem they cause. I want that power .. I like that power .. I have no problems with it. I will be the first to say I would use Linux before Mac, any day of the week ... but right now Linux is not a replacement for Windows - yet. One can simply right click run as admin or use similar command line tools. There are many hidden tools that most windows users and even IT people dont know about.
  13. Thanks but im a web developer and programmer first so I know all this "basic" stuff. And BTW if I wanted to create something to do what you mentioned it wont be sitting in any Process list and even if it did when they try to kill it, it will simply duplicate itself 10 fold but really it would be running as a service to begin with or a device driver. Ofcourse for the average user who doesnt know what they are doing, they could simply run as a user in Windows, as with Linux.
  14. If I had a program that 1,000,000 people were using .. and if I gave the source code to some 100,000 other developers .. and in that 100,000 there is at least 1 criminal (likely alot more) .. its like candy to kid .. sure some of the developers could patch it, you could probably patch it, but only after the exploit has taken place and caused havoc on some 900,000 people. Not saying it doesnt happen to closed source but its a heck of alot easier (and quicker) for the criminal if they are simply handed the code. So in essence, the argument goes both ways. The main argument I hear from die hard linix fans (and mac fanboys) is that Windows is full of viruses, activeX is the spawn of satan, microsoft is spying on us *note he mentioned he doesnt trust google in this case as well* - well the spying part could be somewhat semi true but then you dont leave all the darn services and features wide open when you setup Windows properly now do you, least a good tech does not. But when it comes down to it most of them simply chose linux because either their only experience is with Windows 95/98, they bought a preloaded HP or Dell consumer Celeron Windows XP PC that had 100 adware apps on startup with 30 trial software .. or simply because Linux is free. To each their own but most of what the die hards know of Windows is incorrect, or they only know half the story. Anyway this is all steering away from the topic so im gone .. I use XP because I WANT to be admin ALL The time auto logged in on start up, I dont want to change 20 different settings or write lines of code just to get rid of some annoying messages that the OS thinks it knows better than I do, I want to play WMVs and AVIs I download of some unknown website, I want to do whatever I want to do any time of the day and night, I want fonts that dont look like something out of a dos text program, I want to run unknown EXEs just because I can .. and you know because I know what is what, I NEVER get viruses or other .. and it just WORKS. Regardless of the fact that I know everything that is taking place on MY PC, I know what is going on in the background, everything .. but yes everything just works, safely Anyway I will leave this out there ... what OS does the majority of "good" surveillance software run on? There is a reason for that, and after having used much of it out there, its certainly not ease of use. That said, personally I see the end of Windows in the near future, with nothing but one disaster of an OS after the other starting with Vista and now Win7, and the lack of new hardware support for XP. Guess I will be taking my own advise eventually and tapping into the Nucleous RTOS ..
  15. Which again shows that you are not well versed in using Windows, or ever used it at all? Small example, all the software on my website is made for Windows, and its FREE! In fact, since its not open source some clown cant find a security exploit as easy as with all the open source rubbish.
  16. i could provide a complete guide on securing your windows computer .. but then it wont be free
  17. I think you should maybe try the Nucleous RTOS instead then as its much more secure than Windows and Linux. BTW the only way to really stay safe on a computer is to never power it up.
  18. rory

    RG59 Specs

    Made in china cable perhaps, ive used some so called RG59 before and it was thin also, wasnt quite RG58 but the RG59 connectors didnt go on tight, client brought it in themselves. LTC normally sells very cheap stuff though.
  19. Ive used Linux and Mac and always go back to Windows (XP to be precise). Nothing is immune from attacks, and no we dont do updates like you mentioned. Ive found most die hard Linux users actually know very little about Windows besides the consumer hype.
  20. rory

    Computer Cases

    that site you mentioned before when you were building the atom NVR .. they had some .. also check directron ..
  21. Why is your data not secure on a microsoft OS? Mine is
  22. rory

    Relocating a satellite system using RG59...

    Or you could buy only the lengths of RG6 you need, dont they sell it by the foot (or meter) there?
  23. i installed that on my pc just to test .. need a fast computer just for the GUI .. so no celerons, p4s, or atoms, meaning higher power consumption than the units Soundy suggested.