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Everything posted by rory

  1. with winrar "The archive is either in unknow format or damaged LOL Ok another way to grab it is view hidden folders then goto the user's temp folder, and watch when you run the installer, dont continue with the install though, just let it extract it, then check the last folder created in the temp folder, should be it. You could also use extract from windows to extract the cab but its command line.
  2. The driver is probably in one of the CAB files, see if you can Extract them? And people still wonder why I like to use XP
  3. Yep .. the other one i used recently (dont have it anymore) came with some software called SuperDVR or something .. also sucked with like no features .. cost around $50 for it though .. THATS THE SOFTWARE IM USING LOL. i like it for motion detection and email alerts... thats all i ask Yeah I had all kinds of issues with that one also which is why I gave up on it. It uses some basic directX video, also directX doesnt work properly in a Virtualized Windows so software like Virtual Box and VMware use custom modified DirectX files and you may get it work if setting their direct 3D option for the virtual machine, but thats only if the drivers work first on the host OS and then on the virtual OS
  4. Yep .. the other one i used recently (dont have it anymore) came with some software called SuperDVR or something .. also sucked with like no features .. cost around $50 for it though ..
  5. Programmers should work for FUN. Seriously, I see what you're saying. But each of us has a talent, and if we pool them we all benefit. Now, on to finding a decent camera... Yeah but Programmers need to eat also. Time is money!
  6. The drivers should be in a separate folder on the CD that comes with it. Also set it to XP compatibility not Vista.
  7. I got mine for $6.95 on Amazon even came with a CD for that price! is it compatible with w7? no idea, but in this DVR's case although it views 4 cameras at one time, it will only record 1 camera at a time.
  8. I got mine for $6.95 on Amazon even came with a CD for that price!
  9. I havent used this USB device but doubt it would work in a virtual environment. Basically will first need drivers loaded on the host OS, so if no drivers for that, then it wont work. Then if there are drivers, would need to somehow mirror that driver to the virtual OS or get it so it can talk directly to the hardware from the virtual machine, basically it will rely on what hardware options are available preset for the Virtual software you use, for example there are no USB Video Capture devices for Virtual Box, even regular USB hard drives wont always work, at least easily. Not an easy task. I recall trying to get a serial device working before as the DOS software had to run in 98 (yeahh! LOL) but I wanted XP for the networking and other drivers 98 didnt have, even with a serial port option for the Virtual machine, it would not work as it needed direct access to the hardware. Different scenario, but still related. No drivers for Win7 but drivers for Vista? They are almost the same OS, much is similar, registry everything. Have you tried to get the drivers to load in Win7? Put all the driver related files in a sub folder then check the properties for each one, run in compatibility for XP and also run as an admin if you can set that. I dont use Win7 so cant go into detail. Software for USB capture DVRs typically suck though, ive used a few, got one sitting on the ground here. You would be better off with one of those $200 DVRs anyway. Only reason I can see for the USB DVR is portability on a laptop, well OK the price also, but the price is not worth it. Plus its an unsecure bulky USB thing sticking out of the computer, knock it when its showing the cameras and can almost always expect a crash.
  10. Sorry, I dont understand, You mention Win7 and Vista but then mention Parallels and Oracle?? Are you trying to run this in a Virtual Windows Environment?
  11. No live video display like with a DVR, just recording the video stream, basically a server only. The client is what views the video, normally on a separate computer. And yes its wireguys that builds them not me
  12. To be honest I dont use any IP cameras, but I have tested alot of them, not the Sanyo's though. Personally I dont like to use anything in the browser, but thats me. If it doesnt have its own Desktop app or any 3rd party apps that support it (windows, linux, or other) then I wouldnt use it - but thats me. Anything inside a browser environment is dependent on the browser itself and therefore limited. But many do love it, that they can watch it from within a browser, me, I dont get it. I can see if its Javascript and can work in any browser, personally I only keep IE on my PC now so I can grab the ActiveX control when I need to drop it in my own desktop app, as even though ActiveX is known for IE, we can also use it inside a desktop app and then add any feature we want. Anyway i guess the question is, does Zoneminder Support that particular camera? Im sure some third party software must? Even if it doesnt have its own desktop app, otherwise how is one to record? Anyway, good luck. I gotta get back to this i-mac, putting XP on it
  13. Are you sure there is no Desktop application? Even if it is a Windows exe could normally get it to run in WINE. Also, the reason most only work for Windows is that its the most common OS, so developers learn the languages for that OS - thats also why there is so much malware targeting Windows. Im sure in the future as people realize now that XP is on the way out and win7 sucks, more people will move to Linux (hopefully Linux instead of Mac) and then more developers will start writing code for Linux.
  14. LOL .. actually the hard drive died sometime around the end of last year It was some old used sata drive I found on the ground in the garage ... Im recording it over the network to my computer .. for now.
  15. Not EVERY 420TVL camera, I use 420TVL cameras with the same DVR and this only happens with some camera models. Also when it does occur it is normally just a Black line. I have also seen the same exact thing with 480TVL and higher cameras and with the Sony HQ1, and others using Panasonic Chips (eg. eclipse cctv cameras). Also seen this on GeoVision PC DVRs and others, so its not limited to Dahua. What I DID notice on the Geovision was in some cases it would appear when the source was set to 720x480, but not when it was set to 640x480. Seems its to do with the DSP and how the DVR handles it, whether it stretches the image completely or not? Here is a cheap 1/4" Color IR .. this one really stood out: These are the full raw images converted to Jpeg for the forum .. Here is a 380TVL color camera with a Sony CCD Here is a 420TVL BW camera with a Sony CCD
  16. rory

    Pelco to Cyberdome

    The recent Cyberdome's let you change the protocol to Pelco D.
  17. IMO Its the camera and how the DVR handles it. Ive seen this with various cheap 1/4 Color IR cameras on some DVRs. Something to do with total effective pixels of the camera, and the DVR is set to 704x480. Wont see it on the TV as some edges are not showing on the TV. Yellow probably some kind of bleed of the colors or something, sorry cant answer completely. Best bet would be to ask Dahua's engineers.
  18. rory

    CIF v Frame v Field

    Which ever is the highest quality, so Frame in this case.
  19. rory

    CIF v Frame v Field

    Going back in time a bit, Frame = 2 Fields? So I guess as mentioned by Bean, the Field in this case is half of the Frame, where Frame is D1(720x480) or 4 CIF (704/480).
  20. rory

    Post YOUR Tested PCs

    Please Post Specs of PCs tested for longer than 7 days. Only PCs tested with [legit] GeoVision Cards and Software allowed. Systems must have been tested running 24/7 for 7 days at least. No Links; please just post brand name and model. No long essays; please keep it short and to the point. Include the following: (items with * are required) Computer Case Power Supply * Motherboard * CPU * Memory * Video Card * Hard Drive Optical Drive Cooling Monitor Operating System * Service Pack (if applicable) GeoVision Card * GeoVision Software Version * Screen Resolution * Video Size * Motion/Continuous * FPS (if applicable) Environment (eg. Office, Heat, etc) Length of Tested Period * Any other notes.
  21. rory

    New GV rant (just venting)

    LOL Im surprised he even got an email from them, Ive emailed them in the past and had no response.
  22. Yeah its quite simple actually, Geovision rocks
  23. rory

    Choose a DVR?

    Yeah the SDK is available for download on Dahua's website. Mace is Dahua's Super Distributor for the US. Bean works for Mace so could help out also. Its also sold by other brands such as Intellicam (GenIV)
  24. What on earth is that? Why would anyone care if someone wants to be social or not?
  25. What DVR do you use? Most modern DVRs provide a CMS solution for this already.